Chapter Twenty One--Mr. T

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In the past four days, I had been beaten to a bloody pulp, then beaten some more...and after that, beaten some more. At least half of my ribs were broken, judging from the sharp pain that shot throughout me every time I inhaled the cold, fresh air of this rich ass apartment. Even my Monster healing powers weren't keeping up with the beatings.

The man who had bought me, "Shane," AKA Mr. T, as I was supposed to call him, was cruel and deserved to be locked up, although he wasn't as harsh as Dr. Niles. Mr. T had thankfully given me some pain killers after my beatings, along the excuse that "He didn't want to damage property too badly." At least he has half a heart, right?

But after electrocuting Dr. Nile, which momentarily shocked him and caused him to black out, I was flown to this apartment that overlooked some beautiful ocean. I hadn't left the expansive, modern room that was filled with pristine white furniture, various books, and my blood stains on the carpet.

I was just waking up from a disturbed slumber when I heard the stainless steel elevator drop down (it was the only way in and out of this room). My heart race picked up, and I inhaled a deep breath, which caused me to wince. I then stood up off of the couch, which had dirt and blood stains from my lack of showers and change of clothing.

It was Mr. T who stepped out with his stoic line of a mouth. He was usually dressed in a crisp black suit with some snappy tie, but today he was in military apparel, with a small flag decorating the breast pocket that I didn't recognize. He smelt like aftershave, and his dark hair was clipped shorter.

"Hello, Drew."

He was also nice enough to use my name that I had told him to: Drew. He spat it out like some dirty word half the time, but it was a step up from being called Subject Two.

I glared in response, and he swiftly walked over to the corner of the room that I was standing in. The reason I didn't just snap his twig neck in half was because of the unremovable shock necklace that decorated my arm. It was sore, bruised and blistering ugly colors from the number of electric shocks I had received because of my smart-ass mouth.

"Today we are doing something different," he said curtly and motioned for me to walk to the still open elevator. I sighed calmly, but inside there were butterflies of death flitting about. Was he going to kill me? Or take apart my brain? Or hurt me some more?

I tried very hard to not let my hands shake as we stepped into the bare mirrored elevator. There were no buttons; only a dim light above us as the doors shut and we rose in silence.

We were brought to another floor; this one much lower than the room I had been staying on. There were no windows; and instead of the comfy white surroundings I was back to a lab setting, with the acrid smell of rubbing alcohol and chemicals. There were curtains surrounding empty beds; some microscopes in the far corner were another hallway ran, and another door to the left.

I followed Mr. T to the door on the left, and as he opened it I was hit with the need to kill him. Taking deep breaths and clenching my fists, I swallowed my anger down some more and thought of escaping finally, of shutting down Dr. Niles labs, of going somewhere with Alex to be alone forever, without these assholes.

In this room were showers. They were partially concealed by a concrete wall, but the middle part of them were lit with windows so that anyone could look in. I shivered.

"Get in. You smell and need to shower. There is shampoo."

I gulped and looked at him, then to the shower. There was no place to take off my clothing without him seeing, and I turned in an awkward circle. Mr. T grew impatient.

"You're an animal; you should have no problem going naked."

My blood broiled and I bared my teeth a bit, then ripped off my clothing and angrily threw them onto the floor. Marching over to the shower, I cranked the heat up to the highest and ignored the fact that Mr. T hadn't even left the room.

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