Wake up call

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Update bitchess!!

"Hello?", Harry said just waking up from his sleep.
"Hi Hazza", Louis said on the other side of the call.
"Louis, is that you? Wow, called the wrong person or something?", He said surprised.
"No, why? Am i not allowed to talk to my best mate without a reason?"
"Best mate, Louis, you and I know that that's long gone, don't you think it's a little late?", Harry didn't believe his own words.
"Why are you being so rude to me Harry? What have i ever done to you to deserve this? Do explain.", Sadness clear in this voice, he hung up.
"What just happened?", Harry talking to himself.

Louis was now confused how to express his love to Harry, after that little fight that happened, he didn't want to fight with Harry, so he had to come with a plan and not tell him that he loves him on a bloody phone....

So he did come up with a master plan....
"Hello, is this US Airways? Yes, this is Louis Tomlinson and i need to book a ticket to LA on the first flight that flies out tomorrow, please", Louis asked in his professional voice.
"Certainly Sir, can you hold on for a moment?", the girl on the other side asked.
"Okay, yes sir, we do have a flight flying out tomorrow at 6 am in the morning. Do i book your ticket on that flight? Is that alright?"
"Yeah, of course, thank you", he said as he hung up, knowing everything will be e-mailed to him in no time, he was Louis Tomlinson after all.....
I might give out one more chapter in a few hours!!!
I think there will be 2 more chapters considering me doing really short ones, well you never know......

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