"Yes," Kevin said. "You can not ask again and just wait until Hunter's album is released."

       I couldn't take it anymore. "Fine, whatever. I'm used to being second place. I'll just go to my girlfriend's house because she'll actually be willing to listen to listen."

       "That reminds me of another thing," Kevin said. "You and your girlfriend. I'm sorry, but the record label doesn't approve of it."

       "What?" I asked. "You're the record label."

       "Not me," he said. "The publicity side. Many people aren't fond of her."

       "How aren't people fond of her?" I asked. "She's the sweetest ever and if I recall, it was my fans who created the hashtag Cannalise. They love her, and I love her. What, do you expect me to break up with her just to make people happy who can't even make me happy?"

       "Cannon, we just want what's best for your career," Kevin said.

       "You don't understand," I said. "Annalise and I had to go through so much crap to be together. And if you really want what's best for my career, pardon me for bringing it up again, you would let me release a single."

       "I'll give you a choice," Kevin said. "You want to release the single? End things with your girlfriend."

       Was he being serious? Was he being freaking serious?! Why the hell did was this record label running a double standard for me and Hunter?

        "You know what? Forget the single," I said. "Obviously I can't do what I want with the label, but Hunter can."


       "Sorry, I can't talk anymore," I said. "Besides, you haven't got the time, right? No point of negotiating." Without another word, I walked away from Kevin and out of the recording studio. I hate that I was technically non considered here.

       I was going to have to look at my contract and find away around it so I could get my song out there.

       I got in my car and drove to Annalise's house. She told me to come over as soon as I talked to Kevin and since it was such a fail, I really had to go to her house.

       I pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door. Annalise answered it with a smile. "Hey," she said. "How did it go?"

       "Can I come in?" I asked, not wanting to answer the question right now.

       Annalise nodded and opened the door for me to come in. However, she then led me out the backdoor so we could sit on the porch swing, where we normally did whenever we just wanted to talk.

       "So...." Annalise said.

       I sighed. "It didn't go good. The owner of my record label is so busy with Hunter's upcoming album release that he didn't even want to listen to my song. He kept saying that it wasn't a smart idea to release a single now, since people will be focused on Hunter's album, even though I think it will be fine. We basically have the same fans, so it's not like they're just going to buy his album or just going to buy my single. Then the owner also brought up how the publicity side of my label aren't that fond of you, though I don't know why, and he gave me a choice to release the single only if I end things with you, so I told him to forget about the single and I left."

       "Cannon, I'm so sorry," Annalise said. "I know how proud you are of that song and I know how much you want people to hear it. It's an amazing song and I know everyone will love it. And thank you, for not ending things with me just to record the single."

       "Of course I'm not going to end things with you," I said. "Especially for the single. Yeah, it's my career, but what will happen after I record it? People buy it, listen to it, and I go back to being lonely without you. Besides, I sort of have a plan."

       Annalise furrowed her eyebrows. "What plan?"

       I shrugged. "I have to look at my contract first, which I have a copy of in my email. I just have to pull it up on my phone."

       "So you're going to go against your contract?" Annalise asked.

       I pulled out my phone and began digging through my emails to find the contract. "I'm not going against it," I said. "There's this thing called a loophole. People use it all the time and as long as I don't go against what's stated in there, it should be fine. My dad did it once with his record label. I can't remember what he did it for, but I knew that he couldn't get in trouble for it because of the loophole."

       "Okay, I'm trusting you with this," Annalise said as I looked through the contract. 

       I had to thoroughly read it a few times to make sure my plan wasn't going to go against it. And it wasn't. "I found my loophole," I said.

       "What is it?" Annalise asked.

       "I'm going to need someone to leak my song."


You go, my baby Cannon. cx

There will be three more chapters after this. I can't believe I'm almost done this book. I'm going to miss Cannon a lot, but at least he will be in the spin-off. However, I won't be able to start the spin-off for a while because after this, I'm going to continue a book I had to unpublish. But in the spin-off, Cannon won't be a main character. I'll just say that the book is about, like I've said before, the first boy who asked for Hunter's autograph, and he just so happens to be Kevin Millington's son. And since his parents own the record label Hunter and Cannon are signed to, they'll show up from time to time with their ladies. cx Could still be their girlfriends, maybe their fiancees, and possibly wives. I don't know yet. cx 

Waiting for the Right One (Fame #3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ