"No Austin. We are going to your house. Besides we just ate," I look in my rear view mirror as I pass the car in front of us. There wasn't anyone coming so I turn on my blinker and passed the car right away.

"But why not?" Austin asks pouting his lips a little. I see it in the corner of my eye because I still want to try to look where I was driving. I don't need to be distracted by his drunken state.

"HEY, IS THERE SOMEONE IN THERE?!?!"the loud voice cut me out  of my memory. Why don't they just go away? Why can't these damn memories leave me alone? And why can't the person who is bugging me leave me alone?

I look where the source of annoyness was and see Nate Parker, Levi Jones, Austin Corini, and...and the girl. I blink my eyes as I try to look away from her.

"You kind of was zoned out there buddy," Nate says and then sits down beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I flinch underneath his touch,"mind if we sit here."

Yes. I do mind. I look at his arm and then put it back by his side. I begin to type on my phone.The boys wait patiently.  I see the girl looks confused but I decide to let it pass the thought because I don't care what she thinks about my weird phobia of not talking.

"Buddy? Yeah sure since there is only four seats, go ahead! Buddy," the robotic voice sounds like how I wanted it to sound like. Monotone and loud.

I get up really fast making Nate squirm back since his arm was around the seat. I see Levi putting down a chair to the table, which makes five, and then look disappointed.

I smile slightly and then put my hands into my pockets as I walk away. Leaving them behind me. Leaving her behind me.

"So does he not want his water," I hear the waitress say. I then hear one of the boys groan. 

I look back at them and all of the boys are annoyed. The girl was looking at me. I widen my eyes and turn around fast. I pick up my pace and walk back to the hotel room.

I decide to skip dinner and just go swimming instead. A little swim before a good or can I say bad sleep will make my body feel great. Not take away the numbness but defiantly make me feel better.

I go to the stairs and I pass by my principal.

"How's life going for you Mr. Dirksen? Liking it here in London so far?" Mr. Grimes is always up people's butts and he doesn't know how to leave people alone. He doesn't realize that I don't want to talk to him as I keep taking more steps up the stairs, "what are you doing tomorrow?"

Does he even know that I don't talk? Does he ever look at what other people do and notice that I don't? It doesn't make any sense to me that he doesn't know Everyone knows. People who see me for the first time notice this very quickly. The waitress noticed that. I am not a mute. People think I am. I don't talk because i don't want to. I feel no sense to talk anymore because nobody cares about what I have to say. Nobody would listen to me even though all I have to listen to is them. I guess to an extent I am mute. I...I just don't want to talk.

"Well. I better let you get going. Have a nice night Drew!" Mr.Grimes voice echos through the little alleyway of the stairs and I just nod at him. He gives me the creeps with a capital C. He doesn't know when to give people their space. I am surprised he didn't follow me up the stairs and try to attempt to talk to me. 

I go up to the room and take out the key. I get it open with one swipe and then see that all the boys already have their things everywhere. We have been to this hotel for less than an hour and our room is already a mess. Well I can tell what this room will be like for the rest of the trip.

It Starts with Hello ◇Drew Dirksen AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ