"Get some rest today. Tomorrow you start day one of therapy."

"Why can't I be transferred to Twelve to do therapy?" I ask him.

"Because they don't deal with things like this."

I roll my eyes, "Like what? One-legged people?"

The nurse exits and the doctor sighs, "Push that button when you want a nurse to help you back into bed, do not get up without someone here." He says  sternly and closes the door.

I groan and lean my head against the back of the chair and begin to cry.

I hate this so much already.

How am I going to carry Katniss if I need to or Willow?

What about when I need to walk down the stairs or when I'll need to carry Rye soon?

It's going to make things so difficult to just be a father to a six year old, let alone to a newborn too.

I don't even know if I can walk up or down stairs with this stupid thing.

I lift my pant leg up and stare at the stupid metal contraption, all the way down to the hard plastic foot.

This is going to scare Willow, I already know. But what is going to scare her worse is that I'm missing half a leg and there's just this drop off where it use to be.

I close my eyes and try to gather my feelings over this-but I can't.

I feel embarrassed beyond measure and scared to even begin to try and cope.

Katniss POV-

"It will take a few weeks before the results come back." Doctor Coles says after I get about a gallon of blood drawn.

"A few weeks?" I ask her.

"Yes, I am sorry. I know how worried you both have been." She says nonchalantly and starts writing things down on a sheet.

"Um, extremely worried. Is there anything else you can do to check on him?"

"Katniss, you're not scheduled for another sonogram until you are seven months which is about 3 weeks from now."

I frown, wanting to cry.

"Please, Dr. Coles? I really really wanted to give Peeta some kind of news today." I beg her, my heart hurting.

She sighs, "Katniss, he is just fine."

"Obviously not." I almost yell.

Dr. Coles groans, "Katniss, this is your last kid, right?"

"Yeah, probably." I tell her.

Why does that have anything to do with Rye?

"Because if you do have more children, I'm gonna have to start drinking." She mumbles.

I shoot her a look and she laughs, "I'm kidding."

"Am I really that horrible?" I frown, crossing my arms uncomfortably.

She shakes her head, "You really aren't."

I roll my eyes.

Doctor Coles let's out a heavy sigh.

"I will do a quick sonogram, enough to get some pictures so you can send them to Peeta. And I will listen to his heart. But at 2:50, I need you to go."

I look up at the clock and see that's 20 minutes from now and it will be just enough time to go pick up Willow.

"Thank you so so much." I say excitedly.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 6 Where stories live. Discover now