Meeting Me

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Hey there! I'm Keaton Chambers. I'm a gay junior at Woodhills High. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Oh, my best friend, Adam. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. We've been best friends since we were three. I will say without a heartbeat, being gay and in high school is tough, but it's not impossible.

I opened my door and saw my hallway, blinking a few times and then going to go get dressed. I put on my blue, red, and white sweater on along with my black jeans. I turned towards the mirror and combed my hair and brushed my teeth.

It was about six-thirty when I ran out to catch my bus. I got to the bus stop two minutes early. James spoke first, "Oh look, it's Keaton. Thought he'd be knocked out from all the dick he got last night." I smiled solemnly and stared him down, "Just like your mom did, except she forgot to swallow." His face turned bright red and he rolled his eyes, knowing he'd been defeated. I got on the bus and waited to pull up to the school.

It was about six-fifty when we got to the school. I sat at my usual spot and noticed I got a text.

Hey Keaton I was just wondrng if u could come 2 the gym nd behind the bleachers. Ill b there w8ting.

I looked at the odd text and shrugged my shoulders, I mean, what did I have to lose?

I walked into the gym and noticed no one there. I started to walk off when I heard someone say, "Psst, over here. Hey don't walk away, hurry come here!" I started to get a little freaked out but I walked to the anonymous voice anyways. My friend Adam jumped out, "Hey little boy want some candy?!" I screamed and punched him on the arm, "You dick! You scared the hell out of me!" He smiled, "Uh kinda the point?" The bell rang to go to first period, "Ugh let's go before we're late you dimwitted slug." He laughed while nodding in agreement.

We walked into our first period laughing about how I screamed bloody murder. I punched his arm again and walked to my seat in the back of my classroom. I looked up just as this kid sat next to me. I looked at him and smiled, him smiling back. I was about to introduce myself when James' booming voice yelled across the room, "Hey new kid, I wouldn't sit next to him if I were you! He'd probably try to get a piece of you!" His friends all laughed while I rolled my eyes. The kid just looked at James then back at me, still smiling. "Then I guess you don't realize that I would get a piece of him too." The new kid smiled at me big. I laughed and looked at James, mouthing, 'oops oh well' to him. He scoffed and sat down. I looked at the kid, "So you, what's your name?" He smiled, "I'm Rider, and you?" I smirked, "Keaton, so are you like new here or something?" He nodded, "Sorta." I made a confused face, what did he mean by sorta? I looked at him intently waiting for him to continue on why. He smiled and was about to say something when the teacher cut him off.

"Class we have a new student, his name is Rider. Everyone welcome him nicely." James turned around, "Sup slut." I stared James down, "And what are you? Oh, that's right, it takes one to know one, and frankly you've fucked every girl in this school." The teacher slammed his hands on his desk, "That'll be enough you two!" I rolled my eyes and layed my head down on my desk.

It was time to go to second period and I was already dozing off. I didn't get much sleep last night. I grabbed my things when the bell chimed. I walked out of the class and saw Rider walking the same way as me. I smiled and kept walking ignoring the fact that he was behind me, until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around I said, "Yo?" Rider smiled and looked at me, "Well hey there, I need some help finding my class. Could you help me?" I nodded and smiled. I looked at his schedule and my mouth dropped, he literally had every class with me. I looked at him, "Are you aware that you have every class with me?" He shook his head, "Let me see your schedule." I gave it to him and snickered, "Well let's go then." He laughed and followed me to History. I sat in my seat and he sat next to me.

Time passed by and Rider stared me down as the bell rung. I centered my eyes on the clock, shortly after standing. I grabbed my bag off of the wooden desk and looked over to Rider moving his gaze and chuckling. "What's up buttercup?" Rider laughed, "Caught me huh?" I nodded sheepishly and giggled. He smiled and rolled his eyes, "Gotta go to my next class, text me after school?" He handed me a small neatly folded piece of paper. I opened it and it had his number scribbled on it in his blue pen. I laughed again and nodded, "Definitely."

Finally after five more exhaustive classes I got home and looked at the paper smiling. I opened it carefully in fear of ripping the damn thing and flung myself on my bed, gripping my phone in my eager hand. I dialed the number and smiled as the phone was answered.

"Dammit Lucky, run over there. Uh yeah hullo?"
I giggled.

"Yo, this Rider?"
"Hey, yo, yeah. This Keaton?"
I smiled, he remembered.
"Yep, the one and only. What's up? You asked me to call you?"
"Oh, yeah yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to study for that pop quiz coming up?"
I smiled hugely.
"Yeah, that'd be cool. Wanna come over here or me go there?"
There was a long pause and a hmm came through the phone as I tapped the bed, thinking.
"I'll come over there, text me your address and I'll be there asap."
"Will do, see you in a bit."

We hung up the phone and I excitedly tided up my room for him to come over. I grabbed my clothes on the floor and tossed them in my blue laundry bin. I then grabbed the Dr. Pepper bottle and chip bag that was on my desk and ran to the kitchen to throw it away.

No less than thirty minutes later my doorbell rung. I got red in the cheeks and tried to calm myself down while yelling, "Be there in a sec!"

I got downstairs and opened the door quickly, Rider smiling at me with his pearly white teeth against his olive toned skin. I didn't know what to say so I gestured the couch whilst smiling back. Rider entered and sat on the couch, looking around, "This is a nice place." I nodded, "Thanks." He smiled and sat up, "So, studying." I again nodded.

It was about seven o'clock, give or take a few minutes when we finished studying. We looked at each other and both smiled softly. In this awkward silence, all I could think about was which was better, his jawline or neck muscles. I blushed at the thought and pondered for a few more seconds until my thoughts were interrupted by Rider clearing his throat. I smiled awkwardly and looked at Rider, "So, what are you majoring in?" He smiled, "I wanna be a graphic designer, you know, layouts, things like that." I nodded and smiled, merely slipping away to the oblivion as he spoke.

It was now eight thirty and Rider had to go, "I'll see you in class tomorrow?" I lifted one corner of my mouth, half smiling, "Yep, see you tomorrow." He nodded and gave an overly warm hug. I blushed at the scent of his cologne he was wearing. Watching him walk down the pathway and down the street killed me. I kept whispering, come back or just one more hug.

I sat in the kitchen while I waited for mom and dad to get home, I was an only child so things kinda got boring when they weren't home.

I noticed at nine forty seven they weren't home yet so I went ahead and ate dinner, taking a shower, getting ready for bed, then getting in bed. I was exhausted after today. I read my book for a few minutes and then turned out the soft blue lamp next to my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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