Fred Weasley (Requested)

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A/N: I made a few edits to this, pretty much just with some wording. I didn't change the plot or delete any full paragraphs, but I think it's a little better now if you want to reread it. But like I said, I really didn't change that much. I hope it's better now!

Requested by BulletproofGayScouts

I really hope you like it!

Sorry it took so long!
You walked out of Charms feeling defeated and embarrassed once again. That must've been about the 50th time you tried to get Fred to go to the Yule Ball with you instead of Angelina. You've been doing a bunch of little things to get him to change his mind and go with you but he hasn't even noticed once. I should just give up, you thought as you were walking to the Great Hall for dinner. No matter how hard I try he'll never notice. Besides, he likes Angelina anyways, even if he did notice he would probably just say no. Maybe I just won't even go.

Just then you bumped into someone. You looked up and saw it was Fred. "Oh, sorry Tyler", he said. You noticed he was standing with Angelina, they were holding hands, and you instantly felt sadness and determination. You realized you couldn't just give up, because if you did, Fred would end up going to the ball with her and you would regret it for the rest of your life. You couldn't just ask him or talk to him about it with her around though, so you decided to wait until you could get him alone, then you would talk to him about it, and when you did, you would make sure he knew how you really felt.

You snapped out of your thoughts and saw that he was still standing there looking at you, waiting for you to say something. "Oh, sorry Fred, don't worry about it, it was my fault." You felt really embarrassed. He probably thought you were weird just standing there staring at him and not saying anything, which in your defense you didn't actually know you were doing. You continued to walk into the Great Hall, careful not to run into anyone again.

All through dinner, you barely ate, just thinking about how you would actually get him to understand that you really wanted to go to the ball with him. About ten minutes before dinner was over, you got an idea. You quickly left and ran to your dorm. You dug through your bag on your bed and found a quill and some parchment. You quickly wrote a simple note:

Meet me in the astronomy tower at midnight.

You raced back to the Great Hall, to make sure you got there before dinner was over. You waited outside the Great Hall with the note folded neatly in your hands. Soon after you got there dinner ended and people were leaving. You were watching carefully to make sure you didn't miss the person you were looking for. Finally, when almost everyone had left, you saw him.

You grabbed his arm as he was walking by you. He stopped and looked at you. "Hey George, could you please give this to Fred? Just don't tell him it's from me. It's important." You looked at him with pleading eyes. He took the note from you and looked at it. He stared at it for a minute, then looked back up at you. At first you couldn't tell what he was thinking by his expression, you just really hoped he would agree to give Fred the note. Then, after what felt like forever, he smiled.

"No problem!" You sighed with relief. Now you had the rest of the night to plan and get everything ready. You gave George a small hug and ran off.

"Thank you," you yelled behind you as you ran back to your dorm. When you got back to your dorm and sat on your bed, you realized how weird that must've seemed, but you were too happy to care. Tonight would be perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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