Extended Summary

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Freshman year was supposed to be easy for Anastasia Rose Martin. The word easy was thrown out the window when one of her best friends was turned into a werewolf back in his sophmore year of high school by the devil himself, Peter Hale. 

Life in general stopped being easy for Anastasia when her life and everyone else she cares about have been put into danger. Having to watch your back every second of everyday is not fun. Losing people who you love is not fun. Nothing is fun for her anymore. 

High school was supposed to be the time of her life. The time to show others she can step out of her sister's shadow and be her own person. She shouldn't have to keep fighting these nightmare creatures to live another day. Sadly, it has become a routine for the petite blonde. 

Now she has to learn to fight even harder for her life along side the people she considers family- her pack- and try not to lose herself in the process. 

She wasn't supposed to lose one of her best friends to an evil Japanese spirit, but she did. She wasn't supposed to be hearing voices warning her of death, but she does. She wasn't supposed to fall for the cocky transfer student, but she does

If there is anything that Anastasia Martin has learned over the few years is that nothing goes according to plan and the scale between good and evil always tilts one way or another. 

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