Natsu X Lonely!Reader (Highschool AU) Pt. 2

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I arrive home and unlock my door.  I walk inside put my bookbag down and go back to quickly lock it again. Then I head upstairs and get on the computer and login to a chatting website where I always talk to this guy who's username is FireDragon. I type, "FireDragon are you on?" A few seconds later he replies, "Yep! What's up?" "Well, at school today my crush actually talked to me! He said my name was pretty." I type.

Natsu's POV

My heart skips a beat when I read what Y/N typed. I'm her crush?? "Oh that's cool." I type back. We continue to talk until I tell her I have to go. I close my computer. "I'm Y/N's crush...." I say with a sigh. I lean back in my chair then suddenly jump up in joy. "YAHOO!" I prance around my room like a little kid chanting ,"Y/N likes me."

-The Next Day-

"Natsu!" I turn around from my locker to see Lucy standing there. "What do you want? Didn't I tell you we were over?" I growl. "Oh Natsu come on! I was just joking about the whole, 'Y/N's an anti-social freak', thing." Lucy says smiling. "We're over Lucy, that's it." I say walking away. Lucy grabs my wrist. "Natsu come on... I was joking." "If you were joking you wouldn't have said it in the first place." I say loosening her grip on my wrist. "Don't walk away from me! Do you know who I am?!" Lucy yells. "A snobby brat who cares about nothing but popularity." I say walking to class. Lucy gasps and sassy walks away, tears in her eyes. I sigh. I mean what was I supposed to say? A lie?

Class was boring as usual, but Y/N was on my mind the whole entire time. I get up from my seat and walk out of class. "Natsu." I hear a quiet voice behind me. I turn around. "Ah hey Y/N!" I say grinning. Y/N smiles back. "What class you got next?" I ask. "Math." Y/N answers. "Oh. I have ELA." I say. We walk in the hall as we continue to talk. "Um Natsu.... Wasn't your class back there?" Y/N asks. "Huh?" I turn around and see how far we walked. "Oops! Hehe." Y/N laughs. "Sorry, it's just I like talking to you Y/N." I say blushing. "Me too Natsu!" Y/N says smiling. "Um Natsu listen. I've been talking to this guy online, he goes by the FireDragon. I have a feeling that's you. Is it?" She asks. "Oh, um yeah. I was going to tell you after school today but-" I'm cut off as Y/N has tears in her eyes and she runs off. Crap, I didn't tell her Lucy and I weren't dating anymore. I run after her.


"Y/N!" I hear Natsu call. I turn and see Natsu is chasing after me. I turn back and keep running. Then I'm pulled back a pair of arms. "Gotcha!" Oh darn, I forgot Natsu was the captain of the soccer team. "Natsu let me go." I say. "No. Besides I like you too." He says. I look up and see that goofy grin on his face. "Huh? Aren't you and Lucy still boyfriend and girlfriend?" "Nope!" Natsu says. Natsu lets go of me and holds my hand. I blush. "Y/N I'll make sure you're never lonely again." Natsu says. I smile.

And it was true. Never again was I called an anti-social freak because Natsu was by my side.

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