Chapter 7

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 I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I turned over and turned it off and looked at the time. 7:32 am. I looked up as Liam walked into my room.

‘Do you want the first shower?’ He asked.

‘Okay’ I replied getting up and walking out the door still half asleep.

I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower letting the hot water run over my body as I tried to wake myself up more. After I was done in the shower I put on some black skinny jeans and a white jumper with my white converse and walked out of the bathroom to Liam’s door.

‘Showers free.’ I said through the door and walked to my room to do my hair.

‘You ready?’ Liam asked walking into my bedroom and grabbing my school bag.

‘Yup’ I replied turning from my mirror to look at him.

‘Come on then.’ He said pulling me down the stairs and to his car. We sang along to the radio on the way to school. It was really fun and we were laughing a lot.

‘I thought you said you couldn’t sing?’ He said as we got out of the car once we had arrived at school.

‘I can’t’ I replied looking around the school. It was smaller than I expected.

‘Well I have heard you sing twice now and I disagree.’ He argued.

‘Whatever. Where is the main office?’ I asked turning around in a circle at the entrance of the school.

‘This way Katie.’ He replied and pulled me to the office.

After I was officially a student at the school Liam took my schedule to see what classes we had together.

‘We have all the same classes together except you have dance when I have computers.’ He said smiling at me and leading me to English.

‘Good. Then I will know someone.’ I said smiling.

As we entered the class a woman who looked about thirty greeted us with a smile.

‘Hello I’m Mrs Marston. You must be Kate.’ She had a very cheerful voice.

‘Yea hello’ I smiled nervously. I was a little shy around people I didn’t know.

‘Well Liam has a spare seat next to him and I’m sure he won’t mind having you sit with him.’ She smiled and turned back to the rest of the class who were watching me as I walked with Liam over to the two spare desks.

The teacher was really nice and made the lesson fun. When the bell rang Liam showed me to the dance studio and said goodbye. Suddenly I was really scared. I had been dancing since I could walk but I didn’t know anyone here apart from Liam and now he was gone.

I walked into class and the teacher introduced herself to me and got me some spare clothes to change into because I didn’t have any. While I was in the changing room a girl walked up to me.

‘Hi, my name is Hayley.’ She said with a sweet smile.

‘Hey, I’m Katie.’ I smiled back.

‘Your new right?’ She asked.

‘Yea just moved here.’ She seemed nice enough.

‘Your accent is really cool! Where are you from’ she asked as we walked back to the studio and sat on the floor.

‘I’m from New Zealand.’ She gasped

‘Are you serious? Oh my god I went there last holidays with my parents. It is so beautiful over there. You are so lucky.’ She said with a huge smile.

I laughed ‘What part did you go to?’

‘Auckland’ she replied.

‘That’s my home town. I live in the city by the sky tower.’ I said. I really like Hayley.

‘Wow! I went to the sky tower and it is so cool! I did the sky walk. You are so lucky to live there.’ She said excitedly

‘Okay class let’s get started everyone warm up please.’ The teacher said.

During the class I had to do a solo to show the teacher how good I was. She said I was really good and that I had great skills. Hayley was a great dancer too. She was one of the best in the class in my opinion. We were getting along really well and she introduced me to a lot of people.

After class we went to lunch. Hayley sat with me at one of the tables and we were talking more about New Zealand.

‘Hey Katie, hey Hayley.’ Liam said as he sat next to me.

‘Hey Liam.’ Hayley and I said at the same time.

‘How was dance?’ He asked

So I filled him in on everything that had happened and how Hayley was my friend.

The rest of the day went really fast. Hayley was in my math class so we all sat together. After school Hayley gave me her number and told me to text her whenever.

So the first day of school wasn’t as bad as I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2013 ⏰

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