Chapter 3

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The day was finally here! We were at the departures part of the airport. I was flying alone but the family I was staying with would be waiting for me when I got there. The last week had gone by in a blur. My friends had thrown me a good bye party and I had been stressing over packing. But now I was finally leaving.

I hugged Harry who was crying and told him I loved him and that I would Skype as soon as I got there. He nodded and moved away so I could hug Phoenix.

‘Take care of yourself and don’t do anything stupid! You’re the only little sis I have and I don’t want to lose you. I love you Katie.’ Phoenix said trying to hold back his tears.

‘I love you too’ I said crying myself now.

‘Come here darling.’ My dad said pulling me into a hug ‘Be good and remember that you can come home any time okay. I love you sweetie.’

‘I love you too dad’ I said and gave him a kiss on the check. I turned towards the gate and walked towards it, looking back and waving just before going through.

I was on the plane now, in first class so the flight attendances could keep an eye on me in case I needed anything. An hour after the plane took off I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the flight attendance woke me to say that we were landing in England.

I walked through the gate were all the families and friends were waiting for the people getting off the plane. I scanned the crowed and finally located the group with the sign saying ‘Kate Walker’. I smiled and walked over to them. The lady, Karen I think her name was, looked at me and smiled.

‘Are you Kate?’ she asked.

‘Yeah’ I replied shyly with a nervous smile.

‘Welcome to England!’ She said sweetly pulling me in for a hug. ‘I’m Karen and this is my husband Geoff and our son Liam.’ Geoff smiled and shook my hand and Liam smiled kindly. He was really good looking!

‘Do you want me to take your bags for you?’ He asked.

‘Sure, thanks’ I replied.

‘Come on then, this way.’ Karen said and led us to the car.

The car ride to their house was really fun. They pointed out a lot of buildings explaining what they were and they asked me what New Zealand was like and I answered best I could. They were really funny and made me laugh quite a bit. Finally we got to their house. It was amazing! Two stories high with a big backyard. They showed me around and finally showed me my room which was right next to Liam’s. It was big with a double bed in the corner, a desk, a wardrobe and a bookshelf.

‘Sorry there is no TV here but there is one downstairs and one in Liam’s room that you can use and you can decorate it however you want. Put up posters and whatever. We don’t mind.’ Geoff said nicely. ‘We will be downstairs if you need us.’ He added as he and Karen left.

‘Need help unpacking?’ Liam asked ‘It will give us time to get to know each other.’

‘Yeah thanks’ I said and smiled at him. He set down my bags on the ground and unzipped the first one which had my clothes in it. He bent down and picked up a handful of clothes and started putting them in the wardrobe. As he did that I open my other bag which had my laptop and books in it and started putting them away.

‘Oh, before I forget’ He said rushing out of the room. ‘This is for you.’ He walked back in with a stereo and placed it on my desk next to my laptop. ‘Mum got it for you; she thought that considering you came here for a school with a better music program, that you might need this.’ He said smiling.

‘Oh my god, this is so cool!’ I said smiling at him. ‘Remind me to thank her later.’

‘Sure thing, so your names Kate Walker?’ He asked.

‘Yea, Kate Amanda Walker but everyone calls me Katie.’ I replied from behind the desk where I was plugging in my new stereo.

‘That’s a pretty name. Who are you named after?’ He asked.

‘My mum and dad both picked Kate before I was born and dad used her name as my middle name after she passed away.’ I answered popping back up from behind the desk.

‘Oh sorry I didn’t know’ He said frowning.

I laughed ‘People always say that but all goods. I didn’t know her and I don’t mind talking about her.’

‘Oh okay then, cool’ he smiled at me again.

‘So what’s school like?’ I asked pulling out some more clothes.

‘It’s okay, I’m in the music program too so I can tell you who to stay clear of.’ He answered.  ‘So do you play an instrument or sing?’ he asked

‘I do guitar and drums. Don’t sing though.’ I answered ‘How about you?’

‘I sing’ he said flopping down on my bed. Taking a break I suppose.

‘Kewl.’ I said. ‘So what’s your full name?’ I asked moving to sit down next to him.

‘Liam James Payne.’ He replied smiling at me.

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