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Previously on 'I Never Loved You'

"Okay. I'm gonna go. Just please fix this. I don't think I can be around either one of them right now." Abby said before hanging up.

Looking over at Logan I realized be was angry beyond me. Even beyond Abby had been. He looked at me and I could tell he was about to ask questions before I started talking.

"Sarah cheated on Lukas with Isiah." It was that simple that's all we needed to know. I didn't care about the details. It happened and now she was going to pay. The price was up to me..

Five: *Sarah P.O.V.*- Tuesday

As I looked at my face in the mirror I expected something to be different. Like I would suddenly turn into that horrible monster, apparently inhabited by all cheaters . But honestly I felt amazing. Yesterday had been suck a rush. I never knew i could feel this great. The high of having random sex was back and it felt amazing.

I remember when i first met Lukas. Having random sex no longer interested me and all i could do was live off the relationship. Now i found my perfect balance. I can have Lukas and Isiah. I mean i knew Isiah would agree all i had to do was keep it from Lukas. Please, even if Lukas found out he wouldn't break up with me. I mean he loves me. I'm literally one of the most popular girls at the school. Its not like he can get any better than me.

As i got ready i decided to wear a black laced crop top. It really made my boobs shoot out and whoever said i couldn't tease. As i looked for shorts i decided to be risky today and wore shorts that just barley covered my ass. After putting on makeup and brushing my hair i admired myself in the mirror.

I looked amazing today. Better than i had in months. I felt way happier and couldn't wait to show Lukas, and maybe even Isiah, my outfit.

As i walked downstairs i realized i was running a bit late and that there was a note at the table.

Got a ride with some friends

Throwing away the note i grabbed a banana to eat later. Silently thanking my sister for getting a ride, i didn't need to deal with her today.

As I pulled up to school I looked down and saw I had 4 minutes till the bell would find for the start of class. As I walked to class, getting there just before the teacher, I wondered if Lukas would ever be open to a more sexual relationship.

As I walked to my seat next to Kayla I saw someone else was already there. Kayla looked up with a smile on her face. It was fake. Did she know? No, if Kayla knew then so did Rebecca and then I wouldn't be alive right now.

Walking up to my seat I looked down at the girl. She was definitely a year younger and was avoiding the glare I was giving her.

"What are you doing in my seat" I snapped at her emphasising 'my'. Although I had never seen her in this class she had to of seem me. The entire school knew of me. Which meant she knew this was my seat.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled to the ground. She thew her stuff into her backpack and moving as quickly as possible to the other side of the room.

"Ugh what a little bitch. She knew it was my seat." I said as Kayla avoided my gaze. Kayla looked different today. Her normal bubbly self seemed to be missing, even her cloths were different and all throughout class I found her staring at me, curiously. She looked like she was staring at a stranger.

Oh my god. She knew. Wait did Rebecca know? Kayla would have definitely told her. As the bell rang and Kayla shoved her stuff into her backpack, more like purse, and ran out the door. I chased after her instantly and shoved her against the wall. She cringed back easily. One thing about her what the she was all talk, the one exception was when it came to Diego.

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