"Fine, thanks." My voice was hoarse while I sipped slowly on the caffeine. The man nodded, but his face was twisted slightly with confusion.

His eyes scanned my face and looked directly into the fake lenses. He shook his head, "I'm sorry, you just looked familiar to me. I think I've got the wrong person. Have a good day." The man said awkwardly walking away.

I glared at Richard and muttered, "Dick."

He smirked at the comment, "All you have to do is ask, babe." And promptly winked.

I was eating the pancakes before having another coughing fit from his last line. I cleared my throat, and then started laughing trying to lighten up. I knew Richard wasn't human, but sometimes he'd refer to himself as "Trickster" or "Loki", so I assumed he was actually a demigod.

I slapped a 20 dollar bill on the table, paying for my food and Richard's coffee. He took one last sip of his sugary coffee before we both rose to our feet and left the diner. On the way out I made eye contact with the taller man, he quickly looked away but I so desperately wanted to say to him, "Sam! It's me! You were right! You know who I am!" But I made this life for myself and I wasn't going to unearth the past again.

Richard and I scurried out the door, walking briskly down the streets of Detroit. We departed when we reached the home I housed in with my roommate.

I rattled the keys in my pocket trying to find the house one, but before I could pull it out the door swung open and my roomie dragged me inside.

She quickly and excitedly walked away before coming back with two elegant dresses. One a dark purple that went knee-high, the other an emerald green long dress with fake diamonds at the neck and arms.

"Which one do you like, dearie?" Her Scottish accent full of excitement.

"The purple one, tell me why you have two dresses for me, Ro?" I abbreviate her real name, folding my arms.

"You youths have so much potential, I've set you up with a date because you can't spend your life without a lover." She said dramatically, causing me to scoff.

"Rowena," I used her full name, "I feel pretty old and that I lived a damn good life. And I told you before I'm not into dating at the moment, or blind dates."

She sighed, "Well, dearie, if you don't like the man I might treat myself." She winked making me smile.

I knew who Rowena was, the more I thought about it, the more I realized the friends I've made now aren't human. Surely I knew Rowena was a witch, and that didn't bother me because she was fun to be around.

I gave in, sighing. "I'll go on the date... But if this goes south, I'm never going on any more blind dates."

Rowena squealed and brought me into an embrace, I awkwardly hugged back.

"Be ready at 7, I can always come and get you." She exclaimed, I nodded nonchalantly.

I looked at my watch and sighed, 2:34. I had time to kill and I wasn't sure what to do, maybe I'd watch some movies to pass the time.

~3 movies later~

In a panic I was rushing to get ready, I had lost time and it was already 6:40. My fingers smoothed out the purple dress while the pantyhose I wore clung to my legs for dear life. I wore black flats, not bothering to wear any form of heels.

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