Chapter Thirteen- Meat suit

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Back up to Earth we go!

{Avery's POV}

It was about 1 A.M when there was a slight crashing noise that echoed in the bunker. Curiosity got the best of me, forcing me to get out of bed and check out the noise. There was a bat I kept in my room just in case that I took along with me.

I crept out of my room and walked through the dimmed hallway, I tapped softly on Dean's door as I made my way down. He groggily opened his door, and before he could start talking I shushed him.

"I think someone's in the bunker." I whispered, he immediately straightened up and went back into his room. A moment later he came out of his room holding his gun.

We tiptoed the rest of the way, when we were out in the main room we heard more crashing and something drop. Dean looked at me before leading into the room the noise came from. We turned a corner and saw the body of Nicole standing upright and moving.

I was shocked, my best friend was alive? Dean was the first to come out of hiding, he rose his gun and cocked it back aiming right at Nicole.

"I know one thing and that is you're definitely not our friend." Dean said staring at Nicole, her body shook and laughter erupted from her.

She turned around, her eyes flashed black, "Winchester." She grinned before her eyes returned back to their brown state.

"Oh great, one of you black-eyed bitches." Dean smirked, I noticed something moving in the shadows and saw Sam appear. He had something sliver in his hands and I realized they were handcuffs.

The demon shrugged and raised their hands up slightly, "What can I say, the life isn't so bad when you get used to it." The demon smiled widely, "Not like you knew what it was like or anything."

I saw Dean's body tense and his grip on the gun tightened, he took a deep breath before smiling and holstering his gun.

"That's the spirit." The demon grinned again, and before they could turn around Sam cuffed the demon. The demon's eyes flashed black as they hissed at Sam.

"Younger Winchester." The demon hissed at Sam squirming in the cuffs and Sam's hold.

Sam dragged the demon down to the storage room and locked her into a chair sitting inside a devil's trap. We all stood outside of the trap and watched the demon squirm and stare at us.

Dean threw holy water on the demon making them howl out in pain, Nicole's body thrashed when Dean cut into the skin demanding information.

"Why do you need Nicole's body?!" Dean yelled at the demon cutting more and dousing them in holy water.

The demon cracked Nicole's neck, which was quite weird considering it was broken. "I got orders bud, the boss is under strict orders from my Father." Nicole's disoriented voice said.

"Lucifer," the name rolled off my tongue, "why does he need Nicole's body?"

The demon shrugged, "I wouldn't pick this meat suit, I was told to possess it then bring it down to Hell where sweet little Nicole is." The last part the demon flashed their eyes again before grinning.

Sam stepped forward to attack the demon but Dean pushed him back, "Sam. Don't."

"That doesn't make sense, she doesn't deserve to go to Hell! She didn't do anything wrong." Sam's voice broke slightly, his eyes went back and forth as he tried to understand this.

"Want to know something, bud?" Nicole's body shifted forward pulling away from the chair, "Father wants her, he didn't need her getting out of his grasp and leaving."

I blinked, What in the hell does Lucifer need Nicole for? The whole thought made my head hurt and was too much for me to handle.

"Now could you please get me out of these chains?" The demon made Nicole smile, Nicole rattled the chains and lifted her wrists slightly.

"Why the hell should we?" Dean snapped dousing holy water on the demon again, the demon screamed as the holy water shriveled Nicole's skin.

The demon lowered Nicole's head, her neck went down farther than normal. Her body shook as laughter admitted from her body again. The demon looked up with black eyes and smiled ear from ear.

"Because when Crowley gets here, your plate will get so much fuller." The demon showed off Nicole's pearly whites.

As if on cue, we heard the voice of an angry Scottish man.

"Why do you have one of my demons tied up?!" Crowley's angered voice came from behind us, we turned around and saw Crowley looking extremely displeased.

"Get them out immediately! We need to give her body over." Crowley exclaimed.

I saw the glint of a knife in Sam's pocket as he reached for it. He pulled it out and charged at Nicole's body and stabbed her in the chest. I turned away as the outline of her bones glowed an orange under her skin, Nicole screamed. Her head hung fell back down as blood seeped through her shirt.

Crowley sighed and rolled his eyes before flinging Sam to the wall.

"Hey!" Dean called out going towards Crowley, Crowley flung Dean to the wall near Sam and hit the wall with a loud "thud."

I stood panicking slightly as Crowley walked over to Sam and reached into his pocket. Sam struggled against the force Crowley had on him, Crowley pulled out a key and walked over to Nicole's chained body.

He looked at me and smirked slightly, "Don't try anything, love." He broke the trap and unchained Nicole. He threw Nicole over his shoulder before snapping away.

Dean and Sam fell down off of the wall, Sam was the first to yell at me. "Why didn't you stop him?!" He shouted at me clearly pissed.

I stood up to him, "I wasn't going to get in the way of that! What we were going to do with her body any way? Hm? You didn't want to burn it! Why did we just leave her body up for grabs in the bunker?"

Sam was clearly taken aback, his gaze was set on the ground now as he took deep breaths. Before the argument could go on further Sam stormed out of the storage room. Dean and I looked at each other before he went after his little brother.

My eyes watered as I stood alone in the room, my mouth was dry as I leaned back onto a wall. I slowly slid down the wall as I sobbed quietly, it hurt so much. Let alone it was so confusing. One day you're working a case, the next you're in something more than you bargained for, and soon after your best friend is dead.

And for what reason is she dead? Why does Lucifer need her body so badly?

The only sound I heard was my sniffling as somethings cleared up in my head.

Why does Lucifer need Nicole to get to Sam?

When you low-key don't write about Avery's bat after she grabs it and then she doesn't have it. Whoops, that's on my part lol. I'm having a hard time trying to lead into where this is going in Avery's POV, it's just hard for me to explain this and try to do it in her POV as well. Let's just hope it gets better in these next few chapters.

Also thanks for 330 views on this book <3

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