Mochizuki Wataru X Reader: Nijiiro no Basuke

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First request! This is by AlexidTurner12
I'm so sorry that I haven't posted this sooner. I got so caught up watching Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.

To make it up to you... I made a long one!

So here 'ya go! I hope you'll like it.


Club activities are ongoing in this hour. You stomped off to find someone who could sign your petition. You couldn't be the only one who's interested in basketball, right?

"Sign it!" You shoved a piece of paper in front of the Team Captain. You don't really know him, but it's for the sake of you to join the basketball team.

He peeks into the paper as an eye appears, "I'm sorry. I don't know what you exactly mean, miss,"

"Oi, Wataru, practice is starting soon," a blonde man whose hair holds up with a headband calls to a fellow blonde, which was the boy that you shoved your paper into.

"I'll be right there, captain!" It calls back. You slowly put your petition paper down. He smiles at you so you could know he has put on his attention at you.


"Miss, is anything wrong?" He asks, eyeing your petrified state.

"Mochizuki?" A team member calls the man in front of you. He said to wait a little bit more to his teammate.

"Miss, have you gotten lost?" It asks again, he waves a hand in front of your face.

Goddamnit that, Natsuki!!!

"Ahahaha... no problem, no problem. I'm leaving," you turned your back to him. And clenched the piece of paper in your hand and grumbled, "You're dead to me, you hopeless romantic,"


On the way home. Natsuki feels a chill on his back and shivered, "I've got a really bad feeling,"

Leading his way was Keiichi and he notices his friend shaking like a little leaf, "what's wrong, Nacchan? You're really fun to watch,"

"Sh-shut up! Don't bring the S talk here!" He looks around him but sees nobody aside from Matsunaga and Tsuyoshi following his tracks, "I have just a bad feeling that something is going to happen tomorrow," he pauses and gulps to add some suspense, "it's like tomorrow is going to be the worst,"

Matsunaga picks up his pace, he eyes Natsuki, then to Keiichi, "is there anything wrong with him?"

Keiichi just shrugs at him. Tsuyoshi is walking behind them reading a manga. He stops abruptly when he notices the atmosphere, "why'd you all stop walking?"

The three all sweat dropped at their clueless friend.


You opened the classroom door with brute force that it created a loud bang, "N-at-su-ki," you sang his name.

"Y/N-san! Good morning," He cheerfully greets you. Around him, his friends stared at him in horror. This is what he meant yesterday.

"You're so early today," he grins at you.

You returned his grin with a glare and he looks at you confusingly. You took something out of your pocket and threw it square on his forehead. Bullseye. A crumpled paper with a stone inside of it.

A bump formed in the middle of his forehead, "Y/N-chan, what was that for?" He cries while comforting his little bump.

"It's your fault for not giving me appropriate descriptions,"

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