Dear EXO Part 2

13 1 0

Monday April 4, 2016 8:44

Dear EXO,

Let me start this letter by saying 'sorry'. I was wrong when I concluded that I need top pay in order to join the famous EXO-L. There is this free application and it was so easy to use. It was also updated. Thanks to it's maker.

Hi EXO, it hasn't been too long but here I am again in front of the computer (company computer, i do not own one) imagining things I want to do when I meet you in person. Hahaha... I have been too occupied lately, most of the times just watching you videos. I have been a night market last Saturday night and  I bought a couple of your  posters, stickers, and a notebook. I saw these cute earphones with an EXO logo, unluckily I run out of cash (always). So when I was riding home, I figured out something so obvious, the walls in my room are roughly cemented. how will I put it? And so as I was searching on  my  cabinet I found these photo album which I bought for my kid's picture compilation. It is new and perfect for my posters. The ex-husband saw me cutting picture and by the  looks of him, I see he doesn't approved of it, well he never said  word. When I am done. I felt so childish because I made it so simple and super cute. Am I a teenager, I am not supposed to be doing these munchy things.

As for the EXO-L application, I got a new phone yesterday, a 2nd hand class A Sony android phone, cheap but the unit was functioning well. I also downloaded a Line Launcher and an EXO launcher theme. My phone is so EXOtic. I think I am not a normal person now, because I am an too an EXOtic human being, an upgraded version of myself.

Oops, I'll write again later... I'll be working now.


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