Too much

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Before I could respond he stood up and motioned for me to do the same.

I felt Daryl's hand trying to grab mine, but I couldn't accept it. Negan would see and Daryl would have to suffer even more. As we head towards the RV feel everyone else looking at us.

"Don't. Please." is all that Rick manages to say before the door slams shut behind me.

I stand in the middle of the RV, Negan behind me. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. I close my eyes in anticipation. One of his hands comes to caress my upper arm while the other still has a firm grip on Lucille. The next thing I hear is him taking in a deep breath.

"Fuck, how do you still manage to smell so good? The world ended and you are still..." he didn't finish his sentence. "Turn around." I don't do it. I can't.  I hear him put Lucille down.

He puts both of his hands on me and turns me around. My eyes are still closed. "Open them damn it. Look at me Lucy." He sound so powerful and dangerous. So I open them. He is too close for my liking. As I tried to take a step back he stops me.

"You know I never thought I'd fucking see you again." He tries to to touch my face, but out of reflex I flinch away.

"What do you want? What is this deal?" is all I manage to stammer out as my eyes lock with his. All I want is to make the deal and get as far away from Negan as possible, because I'm afraid of what I can do if I stay near him for too long.

"What no hello kiss or something?" He's smirking.

"No. Just please tell me what it is that you want so I can go back to my family. We just want to be done with this." And it is true. They are my family. We help each other. I have been with Glenn, Daryl and Carl since it all began. And everyone else that has joined us along the way is just as much a part of this family that we have.

"Oh, oh..... hahahaha you are fucking hilarious." He said laughing. "You, my darling, are here to make a deal with me and the deal is that if you do not stay here with me and my saviors than you can say good-fucking-bye to all of your so called family members lives. And I will make sure that we will kill every last one of them, even the ones back at Alexandria. So for you there is no going back home, but the others... well, that is all up to you."

"I... I... What?" I say shaking my head, I don't understand. I once again turn my back to him and takea few steps away from him, because looking at him makes me feel so many different things that I don't need to feel right now. "Why do I have to stay here? What good will that do?"

He doesn't give me free space for long, because before I know it his hands have circled my middle and his lips are touching my ear as he whispers."Do you not remember what I told you the firs time I met you? What has once been mine will always be mine, because I just do not give up my things and you Lucille... are mine."


Being 20 in a country where the legal drinking age is 21 sucks. Especially when all you need is a drink. So here I was, after finally breaking up with my two-timing boyfriend, sitting in a bar. I need to find a way to relax, but the way things have being going so far, it does not seem to be happening.

"Why is a woman as stunning as you so sad looking?" A deep masculine voice said. I looked to my left and saw a man with black hair which was slightly messy. I must admit his was quite attractive.

"That is for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." I gave him a wink .

"A woman with fire, I like that." he chuckled. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"I don't even know your name." I say even though a drink right now sounds amazing.

"Well in that case I'm Negan." He says and offers me his hand. I put my hand in his, but instead of shaking it he places a kiss on it. I can feel myself blush a little.

"Lucille and yes you may buy me a drink." One drink turned into five and soon we were stumbling towards my home. Well I was stumbling, he was trying to keep me from face planting. At one point I had gotten to courage to tell him about my cheating boyfriend. What he said to me next surprised me.

"I just don't get it, because if you were mine than I would never let you go." The honesty in his voice had surprised me. I looked at him, still holding onto him for support. Without realizing it I had started to lean towards him and the next thing I knew, we were kissing.


If I had only known what that night would lead to than I would have never given him my name, told him about my ex and I most certainly would not have kissed him after those words. Now it is too late to change anything and I'm trapped.

'Oh god, please help me.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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