An algergic reaction to chloroform? I didn’t even know you could be allergic to that. Now that he mentioned my wrist I noticed the slight throb coming from it, making me wince.

                “How long have I been out?”

                “A few hours, once we started pumping fluids into you, your respiratory system improved.” He checked his notes on the chart he held in his hands before writing something down.

                “When can she leave?” Jason asked. I’d almost completely forgotten about him being in the room.

                “I don’t see why she can’t go home by tomorrow.” The doctor smiled and slipped his pen back in his pocket. “Now Sutton, get some rest and I’ll be back to check on you later. You’ll be on your way out of here in no time.” He said as he backed out of the room.

                “Where are my parents? And Taylor? What about Evan?” I asked, turning to Jason.

                “Your parents ran home to get some clothes for the both of us and Taylor went with them. Evan hung back at the house after we rushed you to the hospital.” I was confused. Surely Evan would have come to the hospital if I was sick. I was his mate after all.

                “Evan didn’t come?” I clarified.

                “No. Why would he?” Jason looked suspicious once more. I quickly feigned innocence.

                “I just thought as soon to be Alpha, he would want to know what happened.” Jason nodded and sat down on the chair.

                “Yeah, he called and told me to talk to you about it.” Something felt off about this. If the roles were reversed, I would be right here by Evan’s side. So, why isn’t he here?

                “Can we talk about it tomorrow. I’m still pretty tired.” I told him honestly. He nodded and settled back into the chair.

                “Jase, go home.” I sighed. He shook his head.

                “I’m not leaving you here by yourself.” The boy was so sweet, but incredibly stubborn.

                “Jason, don’t worry. I’m in a hospital. What going to happen to me? Besides I’ll never sleep knowing you have to lie in an uncomfortable plastic chair.” His expression was set. “Don’t make me call the nurses to forcefully remove you.” I warned. Seeing I wasn’t going to budge, he stood up.

                “Fine. But I’ll be here first thing in the morning.”

                “Whatever.” I said settling back into the bed and yawning.

Evan’s POV:
                I was having trouble not shifting. My wolf was fighting to break through and tear Luke and Lockey to pieces. I knew who had done this to Sutton, it was blaringly obvious to me. Jason didn’t seem to see the connection, nor did anyone else. I paced my room, roughly running a hand through my hair. The image of seeing Sutton so weak and fragile, so broken, made my heart pound from anger and fear. Anger that anyone had dared to do that to my mate. Fear that she was so easily breakable. So easily damaged.

                Before I knew it, I was outside running to my car. In the next second I was speeding towards the hospital, rushing off to see my injured mate. My emotions were too strong, I couldn’t hold them back. The need to see her was almost painful, engulfing me. In record time the hospital came up on me and I peeled into a parking spot, jumping out. My focus was solely on finding her, that is, until the smell hit me like a wall. I snarled, furious.

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