The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Seven.

Start from the beginning

"But when Lucas broke my neck and I woke up in coffin and felt something buddle up next to me, I was scared out of my mind to see they took my baby out of my stomach and wrapped her up next to me. I was so upset, cried and cried. Wilhelm heard about my death--everyone did, so he dug me up, knowing I'll be an angel since I drunk the potion. That's how a human changes into a angel. Humans must die after drinking the potion to be a angel.

'But after he drug me up, I cried until dawn with my baby in my arms. Goddess, even though she wasn't alive, she had light brown little hair and I even opened her eyes a little and she had the same color eyes as Lucas's.", she finished, looking a little depressed. "I was so depressed for a long time, but Wilhelm helped me threw it.",

Wanting to change the subject to something different, I sat down next to her, "Tell me how you and Lucas met.",

She stared at me, "You want to know?",

I shrugged, "I don't have this weird feeling about you. I'll admit, it was weird having you around since, well, you know, we thought you were dead. I wasn't sure how I should react. I was even jealous of you since you are beautiful-",

She put on a small smile, "Your beautiful to, Dorinda. You shouldn't be jealous of me.",

I gave her a half-grin, "Come on, Xavienna, you're stunning. I was jealous about everything. You hair, stunning lighter blue eyes, and amazing summer tan. But I was also jealous since you had Lucas first. I have a jealousy side, but it stopped when you woke up. I don't mind your relationship you had with Lucas anymore. You had him first-",

She grinned back at me, "Now you have him.", she slapped the side of my arm with the back of her hand. "He's good, Dorinda. He was a good husband to me and I'm sure--no, I know he'll be a good husband to you. He may be hard-head and rude to other people, but he caring to the person he loves, but I shouldn't have to be telling you this. You already know.", she chuckled. "He'll make sure your happy everyday and he'll do anything for you.",

I nodded my head, "I know. He's say he wants to treat me like the princess I am.", I said, blushing and turned to my head to the side a little. "I keep telling him I'm not a princess and a title doesn't make me one still.", I said, frowning.

For a few moments she didn't speak, but she finally put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "I know, Dorinda. I know how you feel. I was the same way. I felt that I was just a peasant still even after our marriage. I know a title doesn't mean anything and you feel like you should have been raised like a princess, but Lucas didn't see me as a human, vampire, peasant, or a princess, but his wife. He must treat you the same way.",

I sighed, "He does, but it's hard hearing him say it. It's a little like he's trying to convince himself that I am, though.",

"He isn't, though.", she said, rubbing my shoulder. "But in his eyes--no matter what, you're his princess no matter what--royal or not.",

I looked at her in amazement and gave her a small smile, "You think that?",

She smiled back, "I know that.",

We giggled together for a few moments. I never would have guessed talking with her would feel so--normal. It was a little odd, but I kind of enjoyed it. I wish Lucas would believe in second chances and at least try to be nice to her. She deserves it, she is a great girl.


We heard the downstairs door burst open and Xavienna and I jerked in place. "Shit, they're back!", she whispered, but hissed as she quickly bent on her knees again and started to twist the spinner again.

We heard three people talking down stair, but I couldn't get what they were saying since it's a language I don't recognize. I heard the click of the safe and Xavienna opened the safe this time. I looked in to see a about five Glocks and a lot of built in those thing you can easily slid in of the handle of the gun. There was also three swords and about seven daggers.

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