Chapter 14

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We are all in the waiting room in the hospital. That image in my mind, when he collapsed, was horrific. The flashbacks keep getting to me. A tall grey haired doctor walked out. "James McCartney?" I get up, the first one to go over to the doc. "He prefers Paul." I say, a bit angry. "Ok then. Well anyways, Paul isn't doing so good. He's alive, but unconscious. He needs a blood transfusion immediately if he wants to survive, but he has blood type AB+, the most rare. And we don't have a lot of that on supply." Tears start swelling in my eyes again. I suddenly think of something. "How much more blood do you need?" I ask. "2 pints." He says. Usually when you give blood, it's one, but I'm desperate. "I'll give blood. Anything. I think I have AB+, but I'm not sure." "We can check, but it's not safe to be giving two pints Miss Palmer." "I don't care. I want him to live. Do you not see that?!" I start to sob, and he says, "ok dear, follow me." I go with him into a room, and finger pricks me. He goes away for a while, about 10 minutes, and comes back. "Good news. You do have Type AB+, but I'm still afraid that you can lose a bit of blood." "Do it, or ill end you." I glare at him. He's startled by my reaction. He puts a wrap around my arm, sticks a needle in, and starts drawing blood. After a while I feel a bit dizzy. "We got half a pint to go miss" he says. I'm starting to see two of everything, but I could care less. I won't die, but if I don't do this Paul will. He takes the needle out, and says, "ok, miss we got it. You may feel a bit dizzy, so go in the waiting room. Here's some water to stay hydrated. We will operate on James- I mean Paul immediately." He brings me to the waiting room, and when I sit down, Ringo and the other boys clap. "Why are you clapping?" I whisper, still dizzy. "Darling, I think you just might have saved Paul's life." George says. I look at him, or at least try to, and mumble "no, George. He saved mine," everyone is silent for a while.
It's been an hour since I gave blood, and so we all fall asleep in the waiting room. I wake up from someone tapping me. It's Jim. He's crying. "You saved him, Julie. You saved him. He almost died." He starts to weep. I cry with him, and everyone else is still asleep. The doctor walks up, and says "Paul is ready for you. One at a time only." Jim looks at me. "Go, darling." I walk in, and he's there, on the hospital bed. This reminds me of when I first found out. Same scene, but different and better man this time. My fiancé. I walk over to him, and he says "You know that someone generously gave me blood, it's amazing, Juliette. When I get well, I will ask the doctor who. They saved me, love. We should give them something, like a present." He smiles at me, and I just break down in tears. "Juliette, why are you sobbing?" He whispers. "I love you so much." I cry to him. "I love you too." He replies. Little does he know it was me. I wouldn't want to tell him it was me. Ill just let him find out for himself, because if I told him, I would just cry more. I stay with him for a while. "I should go, other people want to see you," I say, and walk out
Next, Jim goes in there. He's in there for five minutes, when I hear "JULIETTE! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAVED ME!" The yells come closer, and I get up to see Paul running towards me in his hospital dress. He runs over and practically topples me to the ground, hugging me. He keeps kissing me over and over and over and over and over. "I love you" he keeps saying in between every kiss. I finally manage to get up and get him off me. He hugs me for the longest time I've ever hugged someone in my life. "Juliette I knew you were the one for me," and starts to cry. It seems everybody is crying now, even me. But not out of sadness, but out of happiness. The doctor runs over and yells, "Mr.McCartney you are supposed to be resting!!!" He drags Paul back to the bed. The rest of us see him. It's been two hours since I gave blood, and I feel just a bit better.
At the end of the day, I'm back at my house, telling my dad the whole story that had happened. Paul is staying at the hospital over night, to assure his health and everything. The other boys from the Beatles have invited me over for a celebration dinner. I get ready, and drive to their place.

Tomorrow Couldn't Come Any FasterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ