(7) Well Aren't You Cute?

Start from the beginning

It was then that I noticed how cold I was again. The house had to be under sixty-five. I sat down on the coach and pulled down the blanket out from behind me. As soon as it was wrapped securely around me I leaned over and grabbed the remote.

I tried pushing the power button but nothing happened. Well that was weird. I tried again, and still nothing. Just as I was about to give up the noise of the tv turning on scared me so bad I almost peed myself.

I channel surfed for a while then decided that I was bored. Liam had been right, there was nothing to do in Willa. I remembered my car ride with Jim. The town hadn't been that far away. I bet I could walk there within an hour.

Now I was excited! There might be something actually interesting in town, I wondered if they had any stores. Well I knew there was not going to be like any clothing stores or a Wal-Mart but most small towns had family owned businesses right?

The stairs squeaked as I walked up them. Once I was in Liam's room I walked over to my bed and grabbed some of my clothes then set out to the bathroom. When I looked halfway decent I decided it was time to go, so I went back to his room and grabbed a winter coat and my ugg boats.

The walk there was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. The weather started to warm up the closer I got to town. Thankfully it only took me about a half an hour to get there. The town was actually really cute. It was like if you were to step back fifty years in time. i had a feeling if you were, this is what you would have saw. Everything was old. Paint was chipped, windows were broken, and the road desperately needed to be repaved.

The stores couldn't really be called stores. There was a sports place, a grocery store, and a few restaurants. But the place that really interested me was the small restaurant named The Howling Ground. It was the only place here that looked to be new. It actually looked like a really good place to eat, and it smelled amazing.

Luckily I had brought money. I was really hungry, and it was already eleven thirty. When I walked into the restaurant the lady at the front gave me major attitude. Saying that it was her lunch hour and I should just go away. Maybe Liam had been right. Maybe I shouldn't have come into town. Just as I was about to turn and leave a very cute boy walked up to the lady and whispered something to her. She immediately got wide eyed and smiled at him. Weird.

"Hi, my name is Kyle and I will be your waiter. If you will follow me I will show you to your table." He was medium height and had extremely long brown hair. He was more boyish than the other guys I had been seeing all day. I don't know why but that made me feel less out of place.

I followed Kyle to a table in the back when he spoke. "Are you new here in Willa? I haven't seen you before and trust me I would have noticed." What was that suppose to mean?

"Um, yah I'm new I guess. I'm staying with the Towns. They live uh well they live like a half an hour that way." I used my hands to point in the direction I hoped was the house.

"Yah I know them. Me and their son are actually really good friends."

"Oh, uh okay." I cant explain why but I felt shy when I tried to talk to him, and I am not a shy person.

"I'm sorry. How rude of me." He handed me a menu. "Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Yah do you guys have diet Dr. Pepper?"

"I think we do, but you don't need a diet."


"You just don't."

"Um, ok but do you know how much sugar is in a regular Dr. Pepper?"


"Then how do you know I should have a regular Dr. Pepper when you don't even know how much sugar is in them. They are seriously terrible for you."

"I may not know how much sugar is in a regular Dr. Pepper but I do know how bad diet drinks are for people. Especially people that don't need to be drinking anything diet."

"What's that suppose to mean?" This guy was being all mysterious and not answering any of my questions. And even though it should have pissed me off, I couldn't even bring myself to be the slightest bit mad at him.

"It means that I think that you are perfect the way you are." I could feel my checks getting warm. With most guys I would have said something about them hitting on me, but with him it was different. He gave me butterflies.

"Thanks." He turned around and left to go get my drink. Which I was sure was not going to be diet.

He came back with my soda. "This isn't diet is it?"


"You know I should like talk to a manager about bad service." He caught my sarcasm which made an adorable smile appear on his face.

"To bad there isn't one here today now isn't it."

"I guess it is. Hmmm I guess that I won't be getting any food." He looked very confused.

"What why?"

"No don't be silly. Its not because of your terrible service. Its because I kind of have to get back."


"Yah. So how much do I owe you for this non diet drink." He smiled.

"On the house."

"Aww really? Thanks." That was pretty sweet even if he had brought me a drink I hadn't asked for 

"Sure." I got up and started to walk back to the door.

"Did you walk here?"

"Yah. How did you know."

"You said that it took you a half an hour to get here. But my car it should have only taken about ten minutes."

"You caught that?" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Would you like a ride?" Would I like a ride?



So what do you guys think of Kyle? Cute right? Haha thanks so much for reading. Love you all. <3

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