"Hummm.... Maybe I can help out. Show her some much needed punishment." I was immideatly shocked that Isiah had said such a thing.

"Now you listen here you little fucker!" I yelled "If you dare touch that little slut I will hurt you. And then I will hurt her." Not everyone knew just what Lukas had gone through, but I wouldn't let it happen again. He had told me he wanted to talk to her about it. Finally let her in. But when he tried to explain she said it was too much pressure and walked away. I needed to talk to her. She needed to talk to him.

"Okay my queen. Nothing to upset you," Isiah answers calmly. As I sat back down having stood over him in my rage.

As I sat down I noticed Logan walking this way. I swear every time I see him its like he looks better. As he walks over to me he sits down and doesn't say anything. No corny joke, no smile, not even a hello.

He stays like this the majority of the morning. With neither of us talking. He looks tired and I felt bad for him so I grab his hand. He doesn't look up from his thought and just lets me willingly take his hand. And I trace over his hand he slowly takes his hand and puts it in mine. I smile slightly.

Until I look up to see Abby and Sarah walking over to us. I give her a glare but she doesn't notice. Instead she looks around, probably for Lukas. Just as I'm move to talk to her Kayla does it for me. Asking, in front of everyone, what happened. God I love her bluntness. I tune out the conversation and look at Logan to see him staring at me. He starts to smile.

"What?" I ask wondering what got him out of his trance.

"Hey, you're pretty and I'm cute. Together we'd be Pretty cute." He says chuckling.

Everyone thought that I had played hard to get, honestly it has been Logan who asked me out everyday before school and same time on the weekend he would call me and tell me another cute joke asking if I would finally go out with him. I couldn't met people think I didn't want to go out with him, that would cause questions. So as far as anyone else knows, besides Kayla, he's the one playing hard to get.

"Rebecca" he whispers in my ear "will you-" I cut him off

"So were all hanging out today and I was wondering if maybe you would like to go?"

"I would love to" he said giving me sweet smile. "Did I mention you look beautiful today?"

"No, but don't worry you won't be the only one." I said as the bell rang. Before I could get up Logan grabbed my hand.

"But I'll be the only one that matters." he said bringing my hand up and kissing it. Rolling my eyes I walked off to go class.

The day seemed to lag on as teachers asked for work and I glasses an innocent smile saying I needed another day to work on it to make it just right. Finally lunch came and as I walked out of my classroom I was met with Logan and Lukas waiting for me.

"What do I owe the pleasure of two handsome boys walking little old me to lunch." I said teasingly. Both boys laughed and then started talking sports. Tuning them at as we got into the cafeteria I noticed Sarah sitting at the table without food looking at Lukas.

Lukas noticed and I could see him silently asking her if she wanted to talk outside. She just shook her head. Angry I decided to get his side of the story.

"So Lukas what's going on with you guys? You were finally gonna tell her what had happened with Brittany. And now you're just not talking?"

"I started telling her, but she interrupted me saying she couldn't deal with everything that was going on and how frustrating it was t-that I wouldn't... Well I'm... Ya know"

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