"You guys never listen to me" he rolled his eyes, "rule one, always make sure there is food wherever we go. Rule 2 fuck everyone else besides Roman cause well his my brother and anyway Rule 3 we tell each other shit, especially important shit like this!"

"I was scared , I mean not scared.. I just didn't want to let you down with your plan."

"It was meant to be our plan Nicole. If you didn't want to do it you didn't have to agree , I know I might go off on my own shit sometimes but Renee and I will always be here so don't ever think I'll be pissed over some fucking plan"

He shrugged.

"I didn't really know then how I felt. I just spent more time with him and.."

"How much do you want to be with him?"

"What do you mean?" I was confused as to why he would ask me something like that.

"Is it some weird attraction because his a Beast or do you want to be with him.."

"Why does it matter Dean?" I had already left him.

"Because if you want to be with him, why the hell did you come with me?"

I frowned and Renee held a confused expression, he sighed.

"Nicole, you are my sister and like I said I'd always be there for you so if you want to be with Brock Lesnar then why the hell would I stop you?"

"Why do you two seem surprised?" He glanced between us now holding a shocked expression of his own.

"We expected shouting, you shaking her telling her she's lost it" I nodded in agreement.

"Well she has lost it but all these weeks I knew he wanted you. I just figured it wasn't mutual hence me rubbing things in even more so he could back off like you wanted him to.. What happened to that?"

"I don't know..it doesn't matter he is pissed I can't speak to him now "

"We'll speak at Raw, I'll come with you tell him it was all just a fucked up mess with my stupid plan..I thought I was protecting you from the Beast when in fact I was dragging you away from him" he laughed a bit as he seemed to be thinking.

"You'd really do that?"

"Of course .. If he hurts you he'll be dealing with the Lunatic but you want to be with him now so I'm all for it just answer me one thing.."

I nodded as I was not expecting Dean to be this supportive, but then again this was Dean we were talking about.

You never knew with him.

"If John walked into your life now offering you everything you wanted would you forget about Brock?"

"No I want Brock not John"

I didn't hesitate in answering surprising myself as well as I saw Renee smiling brightly in the corner of my eye.

"Good.. So you'll ride with me tomorrow as my one and only girlfriend over there has to be at the arena early and I feel like sleeping late" he walked back into the bedroom like the last hour wasn't chaotic.

"How pissed is he?" I heard Renee..


"Nicole me or him.." He stared into my eyes.

"Nicole? Can you believe this guy? Come on let's go in" Dean tugged on my arm.

"Nicole.." I heard Brock's low voice.

"I have to.." I saw his pleading eyes turn cold as he slowly glared at me.

"Go! Its all fucking clear to me now Nicole.." He said glaring at me and he didn't bother looking at Dean as he turned around.

Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz