Rebecca: hey were all going to town center u in? Maybe u can bring that guy u were drooling over this morning?

Abbs: it's cool I'm already walking home. And I was NOT drooling

Zan was cute. That was it... I wasn't looking for a lay. I was still a virgin and was totally fine keeping it that way. Right? I mean we had been talking for over a month and I could tell he found me attractive. Maybe we could actually start a relationship? I looked down at my phone to see Rebecca had responded.

Rebecca: whatever don't be such a prude I'm sure he's good in bed ;)

The only secret I kept from my friends was that I was a virgin. It was assumed that the entire popular crowd had boys at there Beck and call and that we used it to our advantage sleeping with just about anyone we thought worthy. And they weren't wrong at least when you are talking about Rebecca, Kayla, and Sarah.

Rebecca, being the most popular girl ever, has had plenty of experience. Guys literally waited months just to sleep with her. I didn't like to hear details but the guys all said she was good in bed.

Then there was Kayla who, even though had a boyfriend, still had boys dying to date her. At least most of them had given up after realizing that her and Diego were never gonna break up. They were so cute together, even if Diego's a little shy around the group. I had remembered when she first told us about sex in the 8th grade, the only person to have it before Rebecca. You could tell she was jealous, because not even a month later she lost her virginity to Adam Brandon, who was now captain of the wrestling team and happily dating some girl from the swim team.

Sarah was probably the most confusing of all of us when it came to dating. She had been my best friend the second she joined the group and the cheer squad. I remember her going to countless number of party's and making sure we all called her by a different name. She would then find some lucky guy and run off with him. That was until she met Lukas. They both clicked instantly, but Rebecca still didn't like them dating seeing as Lukas didn't know just how bad Sarah was before she had fallen in love with him.

Then there was me. I was just Abby. No one was dying to date me. I mean sure I was pretty but that didn't make guys fall at my feet. I was known as the approachable one of the group. People could walk up to me and not expect me not to answer just because they weren't in my group. I had no mystery. There wasn't some secret I was hiding. In fact I don't even know why I was in the popular crowd, I mean sure I was loyal and nice. And the only reason I was on the cheer squad was because I was small enough to throw.

As I arrived home after the hour and a half walk I went inside to grab some water and went up to me room. My house was a nice regular 2 story, 4 bed 3 bath. Seeing as I had 4 other brothers, me being the only girl, we needed a big house. As I was about to start reading for English I hear a familiar ring tone go off. It had been Isiah who was calling.

We had been talking more recently and I actually started to enjoy talking with him. What everyone said about him being an ass who was in drugs and couldn't be rude was totally true, but there was another side to him. I didn't really mention to anyone that we were talking but it was only on the phone and I didn't like him so it wasn't a big deal. It was strange getting a phone call from him normally we just texted

"Hey? Isiah? What's up.."

"Oh God I did a bad thing Abbs. I don't know what to do or how to fix it"
I could hear his panting breath he sounded frantic as he spoke.

"Whoa what Happened are you okay?!" I didn't know what was going on but it sounds bad. He didn't normally have any problems and his attitude was always cool, calm, sophisticated.

"It's Sarah" he whispered.

He didn't say anything else and he didn't need to.

"Did you guys..." I could say it. She was my best friend. She was one of the best people ever. She would never do this. Never. It's something else. Right?

I had always trusted her. We talked about everything she came to me with all her problems. Oh god it was because I wasn't there at lunch. I could have helped her. Why... ?

Suddenly I got angry. Who does she think she is! How dare she do this to Lukas. Who was so sweet and even wanted to work out there problems!

"ABBY" Isiah yelled threw the phone. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I hung up on him and went to my contacts.

Angrily I called the one person who would get me some answers.

End of chapter three

Hope you liked it please leave comments (good and bad)

P.s. this was for you Celsey :)

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