Chapter 1

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Ivanna in the MM

* "Ivanna wake up"

I jolted awake and my eyes opened to see to my childhood bedroom. The blue walls with purple flowers of all different shapes and sizes painted along them. Through my blurry gaze I faintly saw the familiar posters and filled book cases.

I was home.

Remembering what had roused me, I look around trying to identify the familiar voice. Sitting across from me in my old, creaky, rocking chair was Daddy smiling lazily at me. I almost smiled back until I caught a glint in his eye, which unsettled me. Something sinister. He got up. The uncharacteristic smile remained on his face, and with every step toward my bed his expression changed from one of deceiving leisure to one of pure sadistic joy as a cheshire grin spread all the way across his face.

Finally standing directly above me, he looked me directly in my eyes and ran his hand over my covered thigh.

"Good Morning Sweetheart" He said in an unrealistically sweet voice.

My eyes grew in terror, and filled with tears as he slides the covers off me, and his hand makes a further ascent up my leg.

I attempt to shake him off of me, but he gathers both my legs in a painful grip, simultaneously pinning my shoulders down to the bed. He lowers his face down to mine, pressing his forehead against mine he harshly whispers, "You're going to be a good girl for Daddy, aren't you?"

Not wanting to further upset him, I remain silent.

"Aren't you?!" He angrily exclaimed

"Yes Daddy" I solemnly whispered

"Good Baby, Daddy always knew you'd be his good little girl with this beautiful little body. You're mine alright, baby. MINE. No one elses. No one else can ever have you, and if you ever try to leave me, I WILL find you. But you'd never do that right? Only dirty whores like your mother run away , and you're my pure, clean little baby. Say you'll never trying to leave me. You'll never leave Daddy right?

His gaze was pleading, but I could clearly hear the threatening tone behind his words, indicating that there were only two answers to this question, the right one and the wrong one.

Before I could part my lips to answer his question, he smashed his lips into mine, holding me down firmly and holding my head tightly to keep me from pulling away.

I sobbed loudly and started to shake wildly as he let out loud groans of pleasure, not even attempting to conceal his intentions. In an unexpected wave of bravery, I bit down harshly on his lips, drawing blood, and kneed him in the groin before scrambling off the bed.


Through that angry exclamation he managed to grip my feet in my descent off the bed, forcefully pulling me back in his direction.
Before I knew it, I was back under him looking into his wild, dark, bloodshot eyes. My eyes traveled down to his bleeding lip as he moved his face closer to mine and his mouth started to move.

"You're going to regret that you ungrateful whore. I should've of known you'd be just like your mother, but I'll be damned if you get away from me. I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget." He whispered into my ear

With that he forcefully ripped my dress from my body, and then my underwear as he pried my thighs open painfully.

I closed my eyes swiftly, afraid to see the monster who I'd once called father leering over me about to commit an inconceivable crime.

Tears ran down my face as I felt something nudging at my inner thigh and then-



I jolted awake.

My head was swirling with the disturbing dream I'd just experienced, but my thoughts were quickly tune out by the deafening noises coming from somewhere in the abandoned house, i'd been staying in. I made my way out the bedroom and glanced down the staircase. There stood a group of four teenagers, banging on walls, knocking things over and snooping around.

Damn curious kids.

Not feeling in the mood to deal a group of ignorant delinquents . I quietly shuffle into my coat, and hid my belongings under one of the creaky floor boards, which served as a very discreet hiding place.

I climb out the second story window, and make my way down a tree nearby, hoping that by time i returned the nosy bastards would be gone.

It was bright outside, indicating that it was about noon, but the streets were still pretty barren, which was expected of the constant frigid January weather. I made my way into an alleyway, about a block down from the house. I leaned against one of the buildings, next to a garbage can to conceal my presence and buried myself as far into my coat as I could. Without the loud distraction, my dream or more accurately my memory, came back to me full force and in no time, a single tear was rolling down my face, followed by various others .

I wasn't crying for myself. I'd stopped wallowing i self pity years ago. But I was instead crying for the 6 year old girl who within a year had lost her mother, father, innocence, happiness and hope. Crying for the little girl who thought that the whole world was hers until her entire world was stolen from her. But most of all I was crying for a little girl that died that day, and the miserable, lifeless shell which replaced her.

I wiped my face with my dirty coat sleeve. The nightmares had stopped when I turned 20 so I was left unprepared and defenseless when they returned full force. While the disturbing memories haunted my sleep at night, they were quickly forgotten during day, as I had a larger problem to solve.

My empty pockets and grumbling stomach.

As The Sun Rises and FallsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz