I fell in love with Luke when I was younger, I didn't know what I wanted, I risked everything for him, yet I felt like he didn't care about me, and thinking back at it, that was all I ever wanted, I wanted him to love me back, but he never did, and that disappointment was enough for me to fall out of love with him. I just... I just need time to think and see if he ever really loved me.

Are you gonna fuck Luke again?

I don't know, I might, he was damn good. 

Do you like Jasper?

I mean, he is a super sweet guy, and so far I haven't seen anything mad about him, he is  pretty much perfect, so yeah... I think I do like Jasper. 

Why'd you risk your best friend for her dad? 

I honestly don't know anymore. I was so sure of what I wanted but now I am all over the place. I try to convince myself that I am a new person and I am an adult now and can solve my own problems, but come on, who am I fooling? I love Tilda and I don't know why I ever risked a life long friendship for a little attention from someone I loved but new that would never really happen. 

When are you turning 18?

In 45 days to be exact. 

Did Jasper make you completely forget about Luke?

No body can make me completely forget about Luke. But Jasper is a good distraction, I have to admit. But Luke is always on my mind, no matter where I am, no matter how old I am. 

Luke or Jasper?



Do you really hate Milla that much that you would threaten her? 

I don't hate Milla, I never could even if I tried. But a guy does thinking with the wrong head sometimes, and she is still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, thus me wanting to take her bed, threatening her being the easiest way to go right after drugging her or some shit, and I'm not that low. But if I could take back what I did I would, but its too late, nothing I can do about it now.

Do you plan on changing the way you act around Milla?

I'll be leaving for college soon, I got a scholarship in the U.S so I most likely won't ever see her again. Plus I already fucked up and I'm too arrogant to apologise so... she can suck a dick.


Now you know that Milla and Luke dated, how do you fell when you see them? 

I kinda throw-up a little in my mouth when I think about them together. But I guess... if they love each other... its okay with me. 

Are you okay?


Do you need a hug?

That would be great actually. Thank you.

How would you feel if Milla and Luke started dating? 

Uhm... thinking about my best friend would be my step mother makes me cringe. But you know... if they love each other and all that crap, its okay. 

Lena (Milla's mum)

Do you like Luke?

Luke is a very good friend of mine and since he has been single, we have gotten closer together. I would lie if the thought of Luke and I together hasn't crossed my mind. 


Are you and Milla gonna hook up?

I mean Milla is a very beautiful girl, so I definitely wouldn't say no if she asked me to 😏

Would you date Milla?

So far I haven't seen anything negative about Milla. She is a generally very happy girl and I am so happy that she bumped into me earlier today. So, yeah, I think I would date Milla. 

What are your intentions?

Intentions? I mean I'm not just some creep that want to get into Milla's pants. I actually like her. So I guess my intentions are to get to know her better? And of course if there is a small bonus to that I would be happy to receive it, if yóu what I mean.

How old are you?

I'm 19. 

Can you please make Luke jealous?

I don't know who this 'Luke' guy is. Is he Milla's ex? 

Do you Ship Casper Lee and Joe Sugg?

Uhm... yeah, sure. 

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