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At 8:30 I was still siting waiting. I knew no one was going to show up but I still had a little hope that Selena wasn't mean and actually liked me.

The door knob started to jiggle a little and I could hear keys opening the door. My stomach started to turn because I thought it was Selena and I would be so embarrassed and hurt and she would probably just laugh. When the door opened I was surprised to see it was Justin and he wasn't with Selena.

"Hey" he says calmly. "Hi" I reply with an attitude. "What's your problem" he says with a smile. "Like you don't know" I roll my eyes and sit on my bed. "Is it because I didn't come get you at 7?" He ask. He was being really calm and it was weird I thought he would be annoyed by the attitude I was giving him usually people are but not him it was like he understood how I felt. "Well what else would it be!" I yell and jump off my bed. "Calm down I didn't leave you on purpose" he tells me. "Then why did you?!" I yell and I start to feel a knot in my throat and I knew I was about to cry but I swallowed and held the tears back. "I didn't Selena told me you didn't want to come so don't worry about getting you" he informs me. "That's a lie I texted her and said I wanted to go and she texted back okay" I say with a crack in my voice. "I know her phone started to ring and when I went to hand it to her I saw your messages." He explains to me. "Oh" is what I say. I couldn't find words I wanted to know what he was going say next. "When I read your messages I thought it was pretty fucked up that she left you here waiting so I went over to her and I asked her why she did it." He looks up at me and into my eyes. Justin had the prettiest brown eyes I have ever seen even though they were brown they still sparkled and I got lost into them for a minute and then I look back at him and he continues his story. "She said it was because you were new and she wanted to pull a small prank but I just thought it was fucked up and childish. So I got into the car and I came over here and well here I am." He finishes. I stare at him for a moment waiting for him to laugh at me and say he actually didn't care but he didn't he stood there and said nothing. "Well it's to late now." I say back. "We can still go back to the party and you make everyone feel like complete shit for doing that to you." He tells me. Even though that sounded like a good idea I didn't want to start a fight or conflict with anyone "I'm good" I tell Justin and he nods his head and walks towards the door with his hands in his pockets.

I look around and I could feel my tears coming out because all I was thinking about was it was gonna be like this all the time Selena being a bitch and me being miserable. I sniffle a little and Justin turns around and gives me a sympathetic look. "Are you crying?" He asks me. "No I'm fine just go back to your party." I tell him with my voice sounding very faint. He sits on my bed and pats the mattress next to him indicating me to sit next to him so I do as he instructed. I was wondering why he was being so nice he hasn't even said a word to me ever and now he is acting like he's my friend. But I didn't mind I could really use a friend right now and I don't know why but Justin's sympathy for me made me cry more. I sat next to Justin with my head down. And he places his hand underneath my chin and lifts my head so that I'm facing him. "Don't worry about Selena she's a bitch" he informs me. "No kidding" I say back and we both laugh a little. When we stop laughing I get lost in his beautiful brown eyes again. I knew I looked really bad right now because I was crying so my makeup was everywhere and I knew my face was puffy and red. He moves my hair out of my face and says "you know your actually really pretty" and before I could say or stop anything his lips were on mines.

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