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My alarm clock goes off at 8:00am and I get up and check my surroundings. I was a little confused at first because I wasn't in my bed in my home I was in a different room with different surroundings and different smells and it freaked me out a bit. I turned my head to the side and see Selena sleeping. I didn't want to wake her so I quietly grab a white dress that was mid thigh and had mid arm sleeves and I grabbed my makeup back and my curl iron and went to the showers down the hall. It also made me upset that there wasn't a bathroom in the dorm because I didn't like sharing a bathroom I wouldn't mind Sharon with one person but with a hundred people was a little much.

I walk into the showers and they are all covered it was like fifty bathrooms built in to one room. I didn't mind it this way it was more private and nice. I find a shower that isn't taken and I walk in. There was a shower on one side and on the other side a mirror a sink and a small table and toilet. I place my clothes on a hook and put my makeup on the table. I began to undress and I get into the shower. It was so nice to take a hot shower because yesterday was a long day. When I was done with my shower I put on my dress and blow dried my hair and then I put a few curls in it and put my hair into a half ponytail. I put on my makeup. I don't do much just a little foundation some eyeliner mascara and to top it off just a little lip gloss. I put on my flats and began walking towards my room.

I walk into the room and I see Selena and Justin. Justin is sitting on her bed watching tv while Selena is getting dressed. When I walked in they didn't even acknowledge me it was like I didn't exist. "Good morning" I say to both Selena and Justin. Justin looks at me and raises one of his eyebrows and just shakes his head and looks back at the tv. Selena turns around says "oh hey" and continues to do what she was doing before so I decided to whatever I had to do. I put on some jewelry just some pearl earrings and a charm bracelet that used to be my moms. "Alright I'm ready to go" Selena says to Justin. "Alright let's go" he replies back and gets up off the bed. "We will be back in a few we are just going out to et some stuff for a party tonight" Selena informs me. "Party?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says with a sarcastic tone in her voice. "Oh" I say back. Selena gets a small smile on her face and says "hey you should come" Justin gives her a little glare as she looks back at him. "Um I don't know it's not really my scene" I tell her. "No you should show up it won't even be that bad I promise" she tells me. Justin looks really confused for a moment. "Um I don't really..." And before I could finish speaking Selena says "just give me your number and I'll text you the address and if you want to come then you can show up" "but I don't have a car." I inform her. "No problem if you want to come you text me and I'll tell Justin to pick you up" she looks back at Justin and he gives her another glare. "Okay" is all I say. "Perfect" she replies and leaves out the door with Justin following her and before Justin walks out the door he looks back at me and bites his lip.

Justin was kind of cute but he seemed to bad boyish for me he had blonde hair that looked like he dyed it several times and never washed it. And he had tattoos on his arms on one of his arms it was a full sleeve and on the other arm it was only half. He always wore white t-shirts so I could see he had tattoos on his chest and stomach. Why am I even thinking about wether he is my type or not he's dating Selena. I snap myself from my thoughts and think about wether I should go to the party or not and if I was going what would I wear?

I had nothing to do today so I decide to go to mall and pick out a outfit for the party. I guess I have decided to go because I was bored sitting around all day and plus Selena said it wouldn't even be that bad. I go to the mall and walk into all my favorite stores starting with forever 21 where I find some cute tan mini heels the heels were like a inch and a half. Then I go into H&M and find a off white flowie crop top and it had a burgundy cute little pocket and a burgundy collar not a real collar just the neck line was burgundy. Then lastly I go into Charlotte Russe and find a really cute Burgundy skirt that was short but still covered everything up. I finally left the mall and I went to a Chinese restraint to get some food to eat. By the time I got back to the dorm it was already 4:30 I looked at my phone and I see I have a message from Selena. The message said the address to the party and the time it started which it started at 7. I decided to read a little before getting ready at 5.

I read for thirty minutes and began getting ready I put on my new outfit and did my makeup over again and added a few adjustment curls to my hair and I put on different earrings instead of pearls I put on studs. When I finished getting ready it was 5:30 so I decided to watch some tv until 6 and at six I texted Selena telling her I was ready.

I sat and waited for Justin to show up and when it was 8 and he didn't show up I knew he wasn't coming.

Beautiful innocence Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang