Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Dan's POV

I woke up by the sound of the heart monitor on my left. I couldn't see anything more than blurred out objects. I was also lighted headed and slightly dizzy. My head was already tilted to the left and saw a brown table with a cup of water on it. I looked past it, to see a white and blue curtain, which is where the sound of the heart monitor was coming from.

I looked around more, not moving my neck too much. There was giant window to my right, filling up almost of the entire wall. Outside, I could tell it was still dark. Must be early hours by now. I looked ahead, and saw Phil sleeping. His bed was on the other side of the room, but it faced me. It was really good to know he's fine and still a alive.

I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep, but I just kept thinking about the incident.

When I woke up again, it to a much nicer sound. A nurse's smoothing voice, talking to someone else.

It must have been morning by now. Warm rays of sunlight came from the window, lighting up the room. I scanned the room better, now I could see with some more light. Phil was still in a bed opposite me, sleeping.

A tall lady in a white nurse uniform pulled back the curtain that hid the person next to me in the hospital bed. She looked at me, and smiled. Her brunette hair was pulled back in a bun, and she wore no makeup.

"Good morning, sir," she said.

"Um, morning," I said back; returning the smile.

"I'll be one second," she she said turning around, and speed walked to a counter on the other side of the room. She came back a few seconds later with a clipboard and pen.

"Okay, sir, I'm just going to ask you a few questions. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure," I answered.

"Okay, how are you feeling right now? Any pain?"

"I have a pretty bad headache right now, and my neck is stiff," I said gently touching the back my neck. Once I did, I immediately regretted it. A shooting pain shot though my whole back.

"Yeah, it's best not to do that. Anyway, what's your name? The gentleman who called said they didn't know you or your friend's name."

"I'm Dan Howell, and my friend is Phil Lester," I said pointing to the bed opposite. The nurse sribbled down the notes onto the clipboard as I spoke.

"Alright, now what is the last thing you remember?"

I thought back hard. I remember being at the Radio 1 studio. I remember leaving and getting in the taxi, but not much more than that.

"The last I remember is getting in a taxi."

When the woman stopped writing, she looked up at me.

"Thank you, Dan. I can tell you that you and your friend were in a car accident in the taxi. The driver isn't hurt, and called an ambulance. On the other hand, you and Phil are hurt. From what you've told me, I think you have whiplash."

"Right... And how long does this usually last?"

"Anything from a few days to six months," I thought about how I might have to be in constant pain for the next 6 months. "Is there anyone you'd like to contact? Family? A friend?" The nurse suggested.

"Please." I replied.

"There's a phone just next to you just in reach," she said, pointing at an old, cream coloured phone fixed to the wall.


"Is there anything you need, or anything else?" The nurse asked.

"Uhh, I don't think so, thanks."

She walked away, probably to check up on another patient.

I turned my head to the right slightly so it didn't cause me too much crippling pain. I took the telephone, and dial my home phone.

"Hello?" I heard my mum's familiar voice.

"Hey, mum."

"Hi, Dan. How are you?"

"Not too great. In the hospital right now."

"Oh my God, what happened?" She said.

"Coming home in a taxi, a car rammed into us and I got whiplash from it." We kept talking for about half an hour more when Phil started to stir and I didn't want to talk to my family anymore and hung up.

I sat up a bit and watch Phil move in his sheets.

He started to sit up and looked around. Then he held the back of his neck and starred out of the window which showed the car park.

"Excuse me, nurse," I said, waving trying to catch her attention.

She quickly hurried over to me, "yes?"

"My friend has woken up now," pointing to his bed opposite me.

"Oh okay, thank you," she said as she walked away.

Phil saw the lady in a white coat coming towards him with her clipboard.

"Hello," the nurse said smiling at Phil.

"Hello," Phil said back to her with a slightly croaky voice he usually has when he first wakes up. "Where am I?" Phil asked looking around, confused.

"You're in the hospital," confused, the nurse noted a few things on her board. "Do you know your name?"

"Name? Uh no... Who am I?" My heart dropped. Oh no. Phil's forgotten everything that's ever happened. This is bad. This is very bad.

The nurse thought what to do and wrote some more things on her board.

"Um, I don't know who you are I'm afraid. I believe that that's your friend?" she said pointing to me. "Do you know who he is?"

Phil squinted a bit, "No... Never seen him before." A lump formed in my throat by now. 'Never seen him before'. Wow, that hurt.

"Okay. Do you remember anything?"

"No, I don't know anything. I don't know who I am, who you are or where I am."

"Oh dear. Well, last question, are you in any pain right now?"

"No, I'm okay." Phil replied.

"Alright, just call me if you need anything," the nurse left and walked towards my bed.

"Is Phil going to be okay?" I asked, worried.

"He must have amnesia. He can't remember anything," the nurse said looking sympathetic to me. I looked down at my thighs as my heart sunk. He doesn't remember a thing about himself, let alone me.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Howell. We will try our best to retrieve his memory, but we might need your help. Do you think that'll be alright?" The nurse kept asking me questions, but I hardly payed attention. She soon walked away to bring us lunch.

20 minutes later, she came back with food. I ate mine, and when I was done, I watched Phil struggle with his cutlery. After trying to show him with my knife and fork, he invented his own way of using them.

 After he was done, Phil threw thousands of questions at me.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Dan. I'm your best friend."

"Best friend? Who am I?"

"You're Phil Lester. You come from Rosendale, but live in an apartment with me in London."

"I don't know most of the words you just said. Well, where are we now? Is this the 'apartment'?" pronouncing apartment slowly, splitting up each syllable.

"This is the hospital. This is where people go when they're ill or hurt."

'This is going to be a long day...' I thought to myself. Not that I felt sorry for Phil because he can't remember a single thing, but we had other things to do and this wasn't exactly helping me... How was I supposed to do the radio show? I can hardly turn my head without being in immense pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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