BATMAN! To the rescue!

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"Whats going on here!?"

 Sirius walks toward me and looks me in the eye "Your going to Hogwarts."


"But, I thought we agreed not to? I mean I'm 13 aren't I a little late for Hogwarts? are you sure Dumbledore will let me come? What About my "special condition"? Do they Have blood-?"  Sanguinni cuts me off from my questing raid. "We've got everything arranged. all we need to no is if you want to. If you don't just say no, September 1st is only 5 days away."

I take a deep breeth "I'll go!"


"Wolf is your trunk packed because if it isn't NO blood from the bank for a WEEK!" Siruis yells up the staircase making me fall from my beam on the ceiling.

I slowly get up and turn towards the mirror using a spell to flatten then puff my hair. Then I stalk towards my closet  getting skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and my kicks and pulling it all on.

My trunk dissapered from next to me and I insantly knew it was time to go. 

"Ciewolfsaria Alakienna Farekknaile! Get your arse downstairs!" I just had enough time to finish putting on sunscreen. Before running out the door with a bottle of blood in my hand


 "I get it, Sirius! I just walk though and go to your friend Lupin okay? Now go before people get supicies." I whisper/shout at the dog form of my guardian.

As I walk and pull on my shades a family of red heads block my way. "Mhm," I tell them "Esusce me can I get by?"

"Sure sweetie! We need to get going to!" the woman of the family says making me a path. "Thank you" is my reply as I make my way into the train to find a certain Professor. 


"Bloody hell did you see that girl George?" "Believe I did" my twin replies curtly

"Now bouys don't you go messing with the young lady. Now GO!"

We walk past her to meet up with Lee. "Hey guys did you hear that a vampire's coming to Hogwarts?"   "No. Don't think we did." "Yeah who is he?" then Lee looked at us funny, "It's a she."


"Hey can I sit here?" I say as to a group of kids my age ."Yeah but you'll have to sit next to the Professor.''  a preppy browned haired girl tells me "Thanks" and you just hear the sarcasm in my voice.

Then a furry beast  flies into the compartment and gently sits upon my lap "*Gasp* BATMAN! I completely forgot you at home!" The red haired boy emits a very high pitch shriek "Is that a bat?!"

Then the know it replies no dimwit it's a flying fox." she then turns towards me "You named it Batman? Wow! Wait if you know who that is are you muggle born?"

"Naw I'm just a vampire."


so whatca think. sorry guys who don't want me to start a new story but oh well JUST DEAL!!

anyways vote and crap.


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