Living With Vampires

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After everything I owned had been moved from my house to this mansion that will now be my home, I spent almost half the night in there. I didn't want my room to be a disorganized mess, though some part of me knew that Reiji would go ballistic if he saw it as anything other than perfect.
Shu had come to check up on me as I finished putting away the last of my things. He had asked if I needed anything, which I found odd, but welcome, and I politely refused. I didn't really want to have anything to do with them at the moment. Moving was hard enough on me. I mean, I had lived in that house all my life, and now I had been moved to a mansion infested with vampires for 'my safety'. I didn't buy into it though, because I know my safety isn't anywhere on their minds.
The sun had just started to peek out from behind the forest of trees that was the back yard when I decided to exit the room in search of something to snack on. I had been so preoccupied that I had completely forgotten my basic humans needs like food. Now, I didn't know where the kitchen was, but I could almost certainly smell it as a delicious smell wafted from the open door. It carried the slightest risk of getting caught by one of the brothers, but at this point I couldn't care less. I eased open the door and looked around to find a dining room that seemed to connect with the kitchen.
I made my way over and eased the door to the kitchen open. To my surprise, there seemed to be a hot plate waiting for me. I looked around the dining room again before making my way over. It seemed too nice for them to do something for me...but I was so hungry. I grabbed it and slowly picked it up, testing it for any traps or warning signs that they might be trying to trick me. When nothing happened, I dug in.
It took me just a few minutes to scarf down the food and I regretted nothing. I sighed with contentment as I leaned against the counter before looking at the plate. I may want to wash it before I had an encounter with Reiji. I moved and started the water and added a little dish soap before grabbing the plate and began washing. I was almost done when I felt warm breath on my neck, causing me to jump.
I turned to ask what whoever it was what they wanted when I saw Kanato. I froze immediately since I knew if I should fear any of the six, it should be him. "Uh...hi Kanato." I said with a small, weary smile. I eyed the teddy bear and hoped it was more of a calmer than an aggravating obstacle that I had to dance around. "Did you need anything?"
"You smell delicious." He said as he leaned in to smell my neck again. I shuddered as a cold chill went down my spine. The way he said didn't sound like all he had planned on doing was smelling.
A nervous laugh escaped my lips as I made my way around him. The plate could totally wait until I handled this. "Really? Thank you." I said as I cautiously made my way to the door. If only I could clear it, I may be able to make it to my room. "I going now. Excuse me."
I was about to open the door when it was pulled shut and I couldn't help but let out a small shriek in fear. "Don't run away. Teddy doesn't like it." He said, holding me in place as he leaned in.
The first and only thought that ran through my head before he bit me was 'So the damn bear is what he uses as an excuse for his actions.' He held me there, the sound of his drinking of my blood and my pounding heart the only things I could hear. It was beating so hard in my ears that it almost drained out the intense fear I was feeling. I struggled to pry him off of me but that only resulted in him growling and pushing me against the door...hard.
I was just starting to black out when the door opened behind me and I fell, screaming as Kanato's fangs were ripped from my flesh. I grabbed onto whomever it was that opened the door, the high from the sudden loss of blood slowly fading.
I wasn't entirely sure what had happened next. It all seemed to be moving at an inhuman speed. Kanato had been pushed back into the kitchen, his head hitting the wall with a sickening crack but all he did was glare at whoever was holding me against him. "Why are you so protective?" He growled out, holding the damned bear closer.
There was no answer, just a growl of what I think was assertiveness, like when the alpha lays claim to the best kill of a hunt. I would be lying if I said it didn't scare me, cause really, you would have to be an emotionless doll to not feel scared. But it was kinda soothing knowing that one of them was looking out for me, and I think I could guess who that was.
As the stare off between the two brothers continued, the adrenaline left my body and I sagged against the boy behind me. It seemed his attention shifted from Kanato to me when that happened because his grip on my tightened. "Shu..." I whispered, now actually looking up at the concerned looking blonde. "I feel so sleepy."
"Hush....sleep now...." he said in his usual sleepy drawl. He picked me up as gently as he could before seeming to teleport me to my room. The aftereffects made my head spin, so I was grateful when my head hit the pillow. This pleased me and I quickly fell into the darkness of sleep.
As I slept, I kept having the awful nightmares of being attacked by the brothers. I had woken up more than once screaming. I was half tempted to just run back to my own home, but I knew better than to give in to suck childish notions. I was living with vampires now, so there was no way I could leave and not be found.

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