Chapter 2

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{No POV}
y/n woke up only because of the sound of her phone ringing loudly..she groaned having a slight headache which made no sense cause she only had like two beers yesterday...she reached for the phone and answered it not even bothering to check who it was.."h-hello..."she said still half asleep.."oh hey! Y/n its me (friend's name/or random name)"y/n quickly sat up now fully awake "oh..hey sorry about not telling you that I was leaving.."y/n said "oh don't worry about it!"she/he replied "oh hey!"she/he said startling y/n "uhh..yeah"y/n said back as she settled from the Lil startle her friend gave her..."do you want to go get coffee?"she/he asked.."wait...right now!?"y/n said as because she just barley woke up and everything.."well duhhh..I'll go pick you up..okay then see ya in a bit~!"she/he said without even letting y/n respond..then y/n quickly sprung off her bed and quickly began to get ready as for her friend will be there any minute..
~Time Skip~
Y/n's friend came minutes later and they left....they arrived at a café which y/n hasn't seen before they got down and head in and took a table..."umm..has this place always been here?"y/n asked as she glanced around looking at everything.."no..its new they just barley opened about one week ago.."she/he stated...y/n continued to look around when she then remembered about alfred.."oh hey..did you hire a cleaner to clean up after the party?"y/n asked as she turned her attention towards her friend..she/he then had a confused look on their face.." I don't remember hiring one.."she/he said y/n started to worry..did alfred lie to his name even Alfred!?.. She wondered as more and more questions flood into her mind"um.. What did he look like?"her friends then asked snapping her out of her thoughts.."well..he had ones he also wore a black bowtie and black gloves he also has this sort of dirty blonde hair color and blue eyes...."she stated...her friend then started to think.."hmm..well..I don't really recall what happened maybe I did hire someone.."she/he replied this calmed y/n's worries about Alfred lying to her..she sighed and then took a sip of the coffee that she had ordered..she then looked around the café again having a feeling like someone was watching her.." alright?"her friend asked with a worried expression on her face y/n nod as she then took another sip of the coffee.."Why hey there y/n!"she heard she looked out the corner of her eye to see Alfred there standing and smiling..she almost spat out her coffee..she then drank it and coughed.."do I scare you that much..."Alfred said as he laughed..but it didn't sound real.."uhh n-no..I just didn't expect that we'll get to meet again so soon.."she said nervously laughing.."y/n you gonna introduce me to your boyfriend or what"her friend said giving out a small giggle..y/n blushed.."w-were not dating..I met him yesterday..anyways Alfred this is (friend/random name)"she said y/n's friend smiled as they hold out their hand for him to take and smiled.."well nice to meet you Alfred"she/he said Alfred smiled..but it looked..creepy..wicked even but y/n decided to shrug it off.."and its nice to meet you too"he said as he took their hand shaking it...."well would you like to join us?"she/he asked Alfred looked at y/n then back at her friend "uhh...yeah sure why not"he said as he sat net to y/n "well..alfred what do you do for a living?"y/n's friend asked..Alfred gave that same smile like before.."well....what I kind of secretive...and let's just say..its fun...but also very messy"he said.."that is...the most oddest way to describe working as a cleaner.."she/he said with a confused expression..Alfred then got a concerned one as he then looked at y/n's friend"how do you know what I work as..."he asked as he then started glaring at her/him.."oh how you look you match y/n's description perfectly.."she/he said " you were talking about me"Alfred said as he smirked and winked at y/n causing her to blush..Alfred then chuckled because of her reaction.."well..u-uh..yeah..but like..not anything..bad but..ugh..never mind"she said it stayed quiet for a moment when all of a sudden Alfred quickly stood up startling both y/n and her friend...y/n looked and it looked like he was starring at someone.."uhh..sorry but I gave to get running.."He finally said and without letting anyone reply he quickly left...."I wonder what that was about.."y/n's friend said as she had a concerned look..y/n shrugged not knowing what really to say about that..."hey..let's follow him"she/he just randomly said..and without letting y/n reply she/he just quickly got up and went after Alfred.. Yeah y/n was curious..but she didn't want to stalk Alfred...y/n then sighed as she got up and they followed Alfred staying right behind him...

~well I'm gonna end this chapter here hope you enjoyed this one and the last one and I'll update again soon~

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