°•School and Swim Practice•°

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"Kira, please tell me you're presentable!" I knocked on my door. Kira opened the door and sighed.

"What do you want?!" She groaned.

"It's the first day of school. Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Hurry up and get dressed. School starts in an hour," I smiled as I walked into my room and took my uniform from my closet and walked out, walking into Chase's room. Chase was buttoning his shirt when I walked in. I quickly got dressed in my uniform and braided my hair to the side.

"Hey, have fun today," Chase said as he walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Remember, I'll see you in a couple hours," Chase smiled. I smiled back and nodded. "I love you,"

"I love you. C'mon, let's go," I smiled as I grabbed my backpack and we walked out of the room and off to school. As our schedules were being handed to us, and our first class together was American Lit.

"Looks like we have a few classes together, Babe," Chase smirked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Let's go to class, dummy," I giggled. We ran to our class and we took a seat wherever.

"Good morning!" Our teacher, Mr. Markson, greeted. "Mr. Danvers, Provost Higgins requests the pleasure of your company after class," I looked over at my cousin and gave him a questioning look.

"What are you doing?" Chase asked.

"I need to keep this act up that I don't know what's going on between him and the Covenant. Chill, I go this," I muttered as I sat back. I took out my notebook and a pen, writing down what Mr. Markson was writing on the board.

"We are going to study four American contemporary writers of fiction," Mr. Marksin began. "First is Cormac McCarthy, then Tim O'Brien, Kent Haruf, and last but not least. Stephen King,"

"Yeah!" Reid began, "'Dreamcatcher' was the shit!" Everyone in the class began to laugh. I looked down at my paper, ignoring Reid for the rest of class. After School, I walked over to the library and collect the books I needed for my classes. Then I heard voices near where I was, and I immediately recognized the owners. My phone vibrated and I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I answered, softly speaking.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Chase asked, alarm in his voice.

"Sara's looking up Danvers' family history," I sighed.

"Do you know what page she's on?" I looked over at her and I saw a spider. I smirked.

"Creation. The spider spell," I smirked. I heard Chase chuckle.

"That's perfect. I can send her a dream about them, then we'll place the plan to action tomorrow," I smiled.

"That sound like a wonderful plan," I smiled. "So, why did you call me, Love?"

"I was going to say, wanna go to dinner tonight?"

"I would love to," I smiled. "What are you doing by the way? Aren't you supposed to be at swim practice?"

"I'm on my way, for your information. Hey, I'm gonna hang with Caleb for a little bit after practice at Nicky's. Do me a favor? Can you start with that nightmare spell?"

"Sure. On one condition,"

"You can do the Creation Spell on Kate," Chase said.

"Yay!" Well, I'll let you go. Bye," I hanged up and check out the books. After slipping the books into my backpack, I walked to my dorm room and quickly changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie. There was a knock on my door, and I walked up to it, expecting either Kira or Chase to be at the door. Not Pogue.

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