Chapter 3

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Jane's P.O.V
My mission is suicide. I recently stumble upon a lead that the Court of Owls are planning something big. Not even Batman or the others can handle that. I know it's stupid but I put the matter on my own hands. I asked my ex-mentor for help, and here I am at the Chambers of All. The headquarters of the All Caste.

The reason why I came here is Talia told me a former Talon escaped the court joined the All Caste seeking peace from her past. The Talon is still insecure about her old days. That gave me an idea and a plan.


"Talia Al Ghul". The silvery haired woman said. She noticed me. "Who is she and what is her business here?". She looked like she's going to attack me. My grip tightened on my knife handle. The other people in robes pointed their weapons at me.

"There is no need for that, Essence". Essence signaled to draw their weapons. "This is Jane McRed. She is a clone of Jason Todd".

"What business does she have here?". She scrutinized me up and down.

"Jane is here to talk to her". Essence simply nodded. She understood why I'm here.

"Follow me". She gestured. I followed her to a very large tree.

"This is how far I can take you. She's up there. You have to climb up". Said Essence.

"Thank you".

I climbed my way to the top. When my foot stepped on the last branch, a throwing knife flew passed my head. More knifes kept flying toward me. I dodged them easily.

"Who are you?". A female voice asked.

"I'm Jane. I need to talk to you".

"I assumed you are the young hero who wanted to make acquaintance with me?".


She lend a hand so I can get up on the treehouse platform.

"I apologize for attacking you earlier. My name is Emilia Morgan".

"Pleasure to meet you, Emilia. My name is Jane McRed".

Emilia offered me a chair and insisted to have tea.

"What can I do for you, Jane?".

"I know this is a big favor but can you help me infiltrate the Court of Owls?".

She dropped the spoon. "I promised myself to never go back to that place. Once you're inside, there's no way out". She sighed and continued. "That is why I am here. I seek peace from my past".

"Still, your past hunts you".

"Whatever you will say, Jane. I am not helping you. You are too young. It'll cost you your life". She poured tea on my cup. I drank it appreciatively.

"I can offer you redemption". I said. She froze and listened with interest. "If you help me cripple the court, you can pay for your crimes. Your past will never hunt you again".

She thought about my offer. "It seemed impossible".

"I learned years ago from my family everything is possible".

I waited for an answer. "I believe you and I decided to train you as my apprentice. That way, It won't cause suspicion among the court about your intentions".

"I take it as a yes?".

Emilia nodded. We chatted and drink tea for the rest of the day and tomorrow is my first day of Talon training.

Renegading Talon (sequel to "Hey, Little Hoodie")Where stories live. Discover now