Chapter 3

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"What's taking so long?" Peej complained from the other room. "I'm hungry. Hurry up."

Daniel squeaked out a quick thankyou and closed the door on Phil's beautiful face.

"Someone's blushing." Peej taunted as Daniel put the pizza out on the dining table.

"Shut up Peej."

Peej closed his mouth, he knew Daniel had a fiery temper.

Daniel turned the tv on and put Death Note, one of his favourite animes on.

Peej's POV

A couple hours later, Daniel was sprawled on the couch.

They had ended up watching Death Note for the whole time Peej was there hours, it was an amazing anime, but he had an early shift at work tomorrow.

Sleep-deprived, Peej plucked himself up from the hard floor and groggily walked to the door. He spotted a white notecard on the floor and picked it up.

Dear Daniel,
I love you. The People who laid you off have no idea what they're missing out on. You have such an amazing personality. Maybe one day, I'll get the courage to admit who I am.
Xx- Flower Boy

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