Feelingz 4 Lyfe (Contest)

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My entry for Katrocks247's contest:) It was fun trying to get into her character Death's head and write a small chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! 

* Note this exerpt is based off of Katrocks247's Death is My BFF series so all ideas should rightly go to her and I take no credit for them. That being said, I'd definitely encourage you to read her books. She has a lot of very original, creative ideas:) 

I opened my eyes to a darkened room. As I flexed my hand, my fingers brushed up against silky skin.

How had I let this happen again?

 I abruptly pushed myself away from Faith’s body, moving the bed as little as possible so as not to  wake her. Her eyelashes cast long shadows across her cheekbones as she slept, her skin even more pale in the moonlight. She looked pure again, reminding me of when she was in blissful ignorance, reminding me of when she was still human…

I shook my head, trying to get the thought of her out of my head.

You’d think after living for this long, it’d be easier to block unwanted thoughts from your mind. But no- not at all.

I sauntered towards the window and as I saw the whole of the outside world, lit up with streetlights and neon signs, appear before me, I felt suddenly trapped in my small, dark room. Trapped by the past, trapped by a curse, and trapped by a girl who refused to get her back-talking, infuriatingly sexy, frosted-cupcake-ass out of my head. 

I slid the window open silently, letting the cool air wash over me, and turned back to look at Faith.

Damn, she looked so peaceful, though on the inside I knew she was anything but.

Just like me.

Because of me.

The darkness that ensnared my broken and deserted heart years ago, had marked her for disaster the moment I gave her that piece of my soul. No matter what she appeared, I'd stolen her real innocence years ago, poisoned her with Death

I pressed my eyes shut, blocking everything from my mind, and then jumped off the ledge, arms spread wide.

I thrived in the rush of air that slid past my skin, suspending me in a high-speed fall to the ground. It was more exhilarating each second I spent in the air; adrenaline shot through my veins, making me hungry for more.

When I landed on the cement unnoticed by passerby, I pulled my materialized version of a black hoody around me to ward off the cold.

All of a sudden I felt an insatiable hunger for more than just adrenaline. I wanted to feed. I needed to feed.


I felt like the emptiness pervading my mind and body wouldn’t be filled with just any soul... And though drinking in a random soul would clear my mind and fill me partially, for some reason that wasn’t enough right now. It was as if  feeding wasn’t even worth the effort at all...

Unless I had my favorite little reaper by my side...

I frowned and shook my head. Every damn second. That bitch just refused to get the Hell out of my head.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2013 ⏰

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