Chapter 3

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         Chiron and Mr. D came in and Mr. D looked very surprised to see me. "About time you made it here.", he smirked. "Well Abby considering we know your story I don't think we have much to talk about, but we will talk once someone comes back from a quest.", Chiron stated. I nodded wondering who he could be referring to. "We'll leave you to rest for a bit.", Chiron said calmly. As soon as he left the girl from the hill came in. "I'm Clarisse, daughter of Ares, and I'm guessing your Abby from what Conner told me, but you can never trust him and his brother. Stupid Stolls. Anyways I'm here to take you to get food. I don't usually show newbies around but you seem pretty tough so I'll make an exception.", she stated with confidence. "Good cause I'm starving and I don't like it here.", I said grabbing some crutches from next to my bed and jumping out. We walked and she took me everywhere from the strawberry fields, to the training center, to the lake (my favorite), and then to the cabins. "Until you get claimed you will be staying in the Hermes cabin, the head counselors are Travis and Conner Stoll. They are both idiots and pranksters, keep your hand on your wallet around them. They look exactly alike but Travis is 2 years older, 18, and Conner is 16. Travis is also about 3 inches taller.", I nodded along recognizing Conner as the boy from the infirmary. "Who is on a quest right now?", I asked her remembering what Chiron had said. "Oh, Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, and Grover Underwood a satyr. They are best friends and pretty much inseparable. Percy, or Prissy as I call him, and Annabeth are dating and have been for almost 2 years now and Grover is Percy's best friend and got him to camp.", I nodded and finally understood what Chiron meant.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        I've been out of the infirmary for a week but my leg won't heal. I hang out with Clarisse everyday and she teaches me more fighting techniques and how to use a broken leg to my advantage. Everyone is surprised because I can beat most people with a sword and I use moves that not many people have ever see. I'm still waiting to be claimed even though I know my parent and people are starting to bet on who my parent is. The main guesses are Athena because I'm smart and Ares because I'm pretty feisty and a good fighter. They should be coming home from the quest soon and I can't wait because I am tired about not telling anyone anything about my past.

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