Losing a Friend

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(Don't worry it's not anyone on Wattpad,just Irl)
So today I went onto *insert social media* and went to my "friends" profile.There was a selfie of her and her other friend (Her and me do not like each other).It said "She is my bestie and literally the ONLY person that can make me laugh when I'm feeling sad(like now)".It hurts....I know people have it worse,but it still hurts.It hurts to know that she can't even talk to me about her being sad.I kind of want to stop being friends with her,but we've been best friends since 4th grade.She keeps telling me that her friend isn't really a friend,but more of girl who annoys her,but I don't think that's true anymore...

Thanks for listening to my little rant...

I just want to rant a

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