Color Changes, People Do Too

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By: Spencer S. (SpenceTime)

Dear Tablet I Have Become Emotionally Attached To,

Sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger yesterday. As I was writing a Mozart ballade came on, and we both know how that makes me feel. Tired.

To get you in the know, it was my brother, Jim, who walked through the door. He apparently was trapped in the school's sports closet. Seems a bit ironic to me. He saw Crush and I through a tiny peephole and decided he'd take his 1 in 32 chance of making it to the school and try.

Yesterday's music mania sent me spiraling down into an emotional mess inside. Wait, I already was one. I'd have to say today's is one of the weirdest days I have ever heard of happening during Freak Week. There are large 'tsunamis' of color. Believe me, I don't understand it either. All I know is that it isn't even water. It isn't wet at all. Well, except for when Harry peed his pants the first time it happened.

The strange thing is that this time the weather isn't changing our emotions, every time a new wave hits, it changes the time period we think we are in. Right now we are in the 1920s and Marmie is having a little too much fun doing the Charleston. It took me 10 minutes to understand that you were my tablet, diary.

"Is this how that dame usually acts?" Jim asked motioning to Marmie. He seemed confused as to what was happening. "I forgot you weren't in here for the past two days. This is actually tame for Marmie." I say back to Jim. He is younger than me and doesn't understand all my friends. No one does! I turn off my diary and lock it so only people with my vocal password can open it.

I get up to go check on Banana who seems to be starting a woman's right protest. Crush then suddenly stops me in the middle of the walk. "Hey Lace! I, um, wanted to talk to you about something." Even with the stutters he sounds so confident. "Yes, Crush? Is something wrong?" I ask scared he remembers that I almost said I love him. "I just wanted to . . ."

"There's another wave coming!" Mr. Kevin shouts from the other end of the school entrance. We all turn to look through the large windows. This wave is orange, so we are able to say goodbye to the 1920s versions of us. We become engulfed in the dry tsunami.

The last bits of the wave clear and now we get to play the long game of 'Guess Who I Am Now'. We figured out we were in about the 1880s. I am a housewife, as I've been told been told by Harry (a blacksmith) and Jim (a banker). Marmie is a saloon worker as told by all of the alcoholic drinks she thinks she has made out of one glass of water. We don't even have a clue what Banana is, but based on how she is acting we don't mind not knowing. She may be trying to ride a horse but it doesn't look like that.

"Where is Mr. Kevin?" I ask nervously. "You mean 'Stink Eye Ace'!" Mr. Kevin shouts as he jumps from the top of a row of lockers and falls on his stomach.

"Get back here!" Crush pretends to shoot his gun which is actually his finger. Mr. Kevin gets up and runs off hooting and shouting. Crush stops running as he gets to the group of us in the middle. "I have been chasing Stink Eye Ace for 5 minutes now. I have never been able to get close enough to catch him."

"You seem like you need a shot," Marmie was already shaking the glass of water again. Man I wish she had a lid. Crush took the shot and plopped onto the counter. "Oh don't worry, you'll catch him one day." I sweep in to wrap my arm around him. I guess it takes the Old West to give me confidence.

"Well how are you madam?" Crush stares deep into my eyes. As I thought of a response Banana jumped in, "Sheriff Crush, what if all of us went looking for Stink Eye Ace together?"

"That's a great idea! Who's in for a cowboy roundup?" As if we had planned it perfectly, we all said "Me!" in unison. Was this a baseball movie locker room peep talk?

We all made our way down winding hallways in search for Ace that has a really smelly eye, apparently. Harry suggests we make our way to the basement. Jim and Crush lead the way. He is so brave! Crush, I mean, not my brother. Once in the basement we walk/gallop (for a few of us) to the back corner and into one of the tiny backrooms that I don't remember existing. No lights are on so we are quite literally in the dark about everything.

Next thing we know, the door slams shut and the jangle of keys can be heard. The windows on the roof open to allow light in. Ace had locked us in jail! Wait how did he build this? "Look who I rounded up. Sheriff Crush and all his little friends."

"You won't get away with this!" Crush reaches through the bars trying to attack Stink Eye. "Seems like he is, though." Jim added and both Marmie and Banana elbow him in the gut.

"Have fun in there!" he calls as he walks away backwards. "Oh, one more thing. Don't you DARE fluff that duck." Wow, now that is a cool exit.

"Does he mean this duck?" Harry holds a little statue of a duck that was siting on the bench. "What other duck do you think there is?!?" Jim sounds annoyed. At least he didn't try to force himself to throw up this time.

Suddenly as we waited we were submerged into another color cloud. This one seemed to be a silver color. As the last remnants evaporated, we realized, based on our new knowledges, we are in 2050. All of us were pretty much the same except for us all knowing more about technology. The jail was still the 'old fashioned' key type and none of us had the materials to get us out. "How are we going to get out?" I start panicking as the 1880s mindset didn't know what claustrophobia was. I start to hyperventilate as I realize I am stuck in jail with Marmie and Crush and Jim and well everyone. Wait, I AM STUCK IN A JAIL WITH CRUSH. This may not be so bad.

"What if he was just plainly telling us to not fluff the duck because it could help us get out." Banana is pleased with her theory.

"Only one problem, how do you fluff a duck?" Harry motioned with his arms his annoyance and confusion. "Leave that to me!" Banana responds. (A non-gender related pronoun) takes the duck from Harry. "Well, are you going to give us some privacy?"

"Its a key!" Banana gleams and turns back towards us. How she got that key, I will never know. "Lets get out of here!" Jim is given the key and he finally gets the door to swing open.

"Crush will you hang back for just a second with me?" I murmur (what a great word) shyly.

"Whats up Lace?" Crush says in his tone that could melt chocolate in an instant. "I wanted to finish what I tried to say yesterday. I really like. . ." I am cut off by Banana screaming. A bowling bowl had come barreling towards her. She is lucky that it was thrown to the left of her. I run over to her.

"Are you okay Banana?" I hug her tightly and the two of us fall to the floor. "Yes, I'm fine. It missed me."

"Wait, where is Marmie? Have you seen her at all?" I look around frantic and release Banana from my grip. I start stumbling around the basement looking for her.

A television that is hung on the wall turned on and Mr, Kevin popped up on the screen. "Looks like your friend is exposed to the weather right now, it may be a hard week for her if you can't get to her first. Oh yea, and there are more traps all around the school. Those traps have better aim too." In the background you can see Marmie tied to a chair on what looks to be the roof of the school.

"Good luck!" The video cut off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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