☆ C h a p t e r 2 ☆

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I awake to the sound of birds fluttering down onto the tree branches above me singing while the sun shines down above everywhere lighting up the whole forest.
It's such a nice day..outside / my surroundings are lovely but its not a nice day on the inside, I still feel like the weather from last night, My hair is still wet from the rain and so are my clothes. I look down to realise this and I start shaking, I'm freezing, even though its sunny out. I need to dry up quickly or I'll catch a cold.

I look around and slowly get up from the ground below, I shake off the leaves and other small organisms that fell on me over night. I'm not that bothered about bugs really, I've always been like that.

I start walking in this new environment which I hadn't seen until yesterday. I'm exploring, theres nothing else to do, not at the moment anyways. What do you expect...for me to go home?
I start walking past all these giant trees and brownish green colored leaves lying on the ground, I never knew just how beautiful nature is. I haven't got enough effort to do much except walk so thats all i'm going to do, and take in what I see.
I've never been abke to do anything like this when I was younger, My parents prefered it if I stayed inside and played with silly doctor toys, I never liked that, I hated it. There was one time though when I was really young when my parents took me to the park, It was fun but I wasnt allowed anywhere like that after the incident with my brother. That's probably why they are so controlling but they prefered him to me anyways, sure they'd never throw him out of the house would they? No.

When I was around 6 my brother was 10, my family went to a lake park and my brother was always messing around and trying to scare my parents, I never really had a clue what was going on at all until I was told years later.
He went and hid behind a tree, shouting "help" lots and my parents got really worried, they went and looked for him and found him telling him to never do it again, he agreed, but he did it again. My dad went over and found him doing it again so he brought him over to sit with them. After about 20 minutes they said he can go and play again...
My brother, for the third time screamed "help" but my parents knew he was just having fun and trying to worry them, but he wasn't this time, yeah he was pretty mischeoufous but he wouldn't ever wanna scare someone extremely badly. My parents decided not to look for him and just enjoyed the scenery, my brother on the otherhand, well, we couldn't find him after 10 minutes, 20 minutes or an hour. He was gone, My parents grabbed me and my dad put me on his back and they went looking for him for hours, they called the police and everything. There was no sign of him, who knows what could have happened, Did he fall in the lake? Did he get kidnapped? Murdered? I'll never know but I think of this everyday, I have the smallest memory of it but I want to remember him.

I've been continuing to walk pretty deep into this forest, I've come to a stone shrine, theres a mini waterful coming out of the stone, am I near a village, would anyone help me? Give me clothes, let me stay overnight and get some proper rest? I hope so. I'm so drained.
I stop for a moment, I'm here at this stone shrine and I can hear the water and drips from beside me and it's almost magical, I love it so much.
Wait..I can hear someone.

My body begins to tense up, I dont know who this is, should I even be here, Theres someone going to get me. I start to shake and breathe heavily terrified completely still. I can feel someone walking up behind me, I know theres someone there. My heads down and my eyes are closed and I dont wanna look behind me.
I turn around and


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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