Chapter one

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The day was windy and quiet in Iowa. The warm windy summer day was perfect for shaylinn. She stood outside bare foot and her hair was gracefully blowing through the wind.  The beautiful sun was setting of the forest and she layed in the grass observing the big beauty disappear over the trees.

"Shay get in here and get ready for sleep you have school tomarrow row." Her mother said.
She dragged her feet into the house. She took a shower then went to sleep.

Shays pov.
I woke up with the sun in my face again and I sighed. I brushed my hair got dressed and put my make up on. I grabbed a English muffin and put jam on it and I grabbed a cup of tea and waited for the right time to leave. It was 8:00 am now and I was ready do go to the place I have to go to 8 hours a day. I got there and I went to my locker talked to my friends then I went to my first hour class. I sat down and a few seconds later this dark haired boy with his charming brown eyes sat next to me.
"Can I sit here?"  He smiled and ran his finger through his quiff.
"Sure," I smiled trying to keep myself from blushing.

"I'm Ian by the way what's your name?"

"Shaylinn but you can call me Shay,"

He must be new cause I never seen him before but he seemed really nice so far... Class started and I noticed him mouthing some words. Then he began to talk to himself in Spanish I'm guessing.
I looked at him and smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry.... I just moved her from Brazil a couple weeks ago and I have gotten a tutor to help me with my English. I know English I just need help pronounceing words."

"Oh I understand." I smiled and bit my lip.
He blushed and looked away and continued writing.

Today was a great day I possibly met a new bestfriend and I promised to help him on his English this weekend so I'm going over to his house to teach him. I was walking home and I dropped a sheet with Ian's number on it and I began to chase the piece of paper in the wind and someone grabbed it. I ran into the person and I looked up and seen his blue eyes.

"You kind of dropped this," He smiled and handed it to me.
"Thank you so much," I smiled and studied him. He had really blue eyes blonde hair and he was tall and fit also he smelled good.

"What's Uhhhh your name?"
"Uhh Shaylinn," I watched his blue eyes study my body then meet my eyes when he was done.
"I'm carter." He smiled and showed his brases.
"Do you go to Braxton high?" I asked I never seen him around.
"No I'm home schooled but I play basketball there,"
"Hmmp. Well nice meeting you I have to get home."
He pulled out his basketball out of his Nike backpack.
"Well bye I have practice today well I'll give you my number and text me sometime or something," He blushed and wrote his number down on a gum wrapper and then he disappeared. I put both numbers in my pocket and drove home. I felt my heart beating fast they were both so hot and so nice and oh my I don't know what to do but what if I end up falling for both of the boys?

(A/n) this chapter was short and alittle cheesey but I'm gonna actually try to work on this story as much as I can

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