chapter 2

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The only thing I could say was WOW when I saw the school. I walked inside and all I saw were people in groups talking to each other and playing around. I thought to myself ( this school must not get that many new students that often). I decided to just walk around the school just to see the school looked all together. It seemed like every corner I saw someone either kissing or hugging then kissing. I looked at my schedule to see where my first class was and it said room 507 and I said really the 5th fucking floor, I don't want to have to walk all these stairs for a whole year. I looked on my phone and saw that class started in 5 minutes and so I started rushing to the stairs and when I got there I saw that these stairs only went to the 3rd floor and then I rushed threw the hallway to find a stair case that goes up and it took me 3 minutes to find a stair case and then when I went up that only went to the 4th floor and I thought to myself ( why the heck would u even build your school like this like that's just stupid). I searched and searched and searched and searched until someone finally asked me what I'm looking for and they told me I have to go all the way to the 1st floor then go to the left until I see the blue stairs then take that stair case all the way to the 5th floor. I said this is the most dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life. So I did what they told me to do and I finally saw class 507 and without thinking I rushed in and every one looked at me as if something was wrong with me . I just looked down and pretended I didn't notice. The teacher asked me what was my name and I said henku. Could u state your full name sir the teacher said. Its henku fugitora. Okay henku fugitora could you go sit next to goruto. He's the boy in the third row with the yellow hair. I went to my seat and sat quietly. You must be new here the boy next to me said. Is it really that obvious? I asked. Goruto had crystal blue eyes. Yea. I could tell on how the way you rushed in here out of the blue. Also because I didn't see you here last year. I just sat there quietly. So what brings you to this school goruto asked. My mom got a job here so we had to move here cause she said this would be easier I responded. Well dude this school is kinda alright, its nothing special just a school but it can be really really fun depending on what you make of it. The teacher screamed at us and told us to be quiet. This teacher is kinda an ass, it was fun talking to you dude goruto said. You too I said. Class was over and I walked out of class and goruto rushed from behide me and said well bro since this is your first day being here I just I will hang out with you. I thought to myself ( ummm okay, I don't know you but okay)

HenkuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora