Scene 2- A Team Is Forged

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~Last Time~

Our heroine confessed her knowledge and power to Kara before forming a team


Kara's POV

Myra nods at me from down the corridor before turning on her heel and walking away. If I was her, I wouldn't be telling everybody but her whole objective is to help me in anyway and this will make it easier.

"So what did Myra have to say? Did it concern me?" Winn asks nervously, pulling me back.

"Not exactly about you. Jimmy can we go to your office?" I ask as he nods and smiles,making my heart flutter slightly. We wander down the near empty hallway, only bumping into a few fellow workers. Soon, the three of us enter Jimmy's office.

"So did you tell her?"

"I didn't have to." I reply as they look upon in confusion.

"She knew? H-" Jimmy started before I cut him off slighty. I felt bad but I need to get it out,the weight of keeping a secret from my best friends is so painful.

"She is a Joulian which means she is from the planet Joule. She is an alien that can convert one energy into another. For example,she screamed and a powerful light beam streamed out of her mouth. Her mother made my mother a promise that she would move to earth to protect me but Myra'a mother got ill so instead,trained Myra to come as a replacement. I asked her to join our team." I say,taking a large breath afterwards. Both look at me with a mixture of confusion and amazement. Is this how I looked at her a moment ago? If so,I looked strange!

"So she is your partner now? And she isn't from England?" Winn asked,raking a hand through his hair.

"Yeah she is my partner and no she isn't from England" I chuckle as I answer similar questioned that I asked. They both nod slightly,understanding everything now.

"So how do we apparoah her?"

"Like you usually would." A British sounding voice says. Leaning lazily against the door frame stood Myra,a strand of black hair missed place while her blue eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Sorry I was just making sure Kara was telling it right." She chuckles lightly as she steps closer. Jimmy and Winn both retract sligtly and Myra and I both raise an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Myra asked worriedly.

"Sorry Myra, it's just werid knowing your an alien as well..." Jimmy says slowly. Myra shrugged carelessly.

"Get used to it darling cause I can't and ain't changing,"she smirks before again turning to leave,"come on slakers,Ms Grant is starting to get worried." And with that she leaves. Chuckling I run to catch up with her,leaving Winn and Jimmy to think over their werid actions.

Myra POV

I hold back my battling emotions inside. On one hand I felt hurt and betrayed that Jimmy and Winn would act in such away towards me but not Kara. However I can understand where they are coming from. Still,it was wrong for them to act in such a harsh way. Like always,I played it off with a sassy remark before leaving,making sure he couldn't see how I was really feeling.

"Myra,wait a second" A feminine voice calls to me from behind. I slow my pace so Kara can catch up with me before starting up again.

"Did they act like that for you?"

"Jimmy already knew I was Supergirl from my cousin but Winn was the same,yeah. It took a while but he'll come around." Kara reassures and I smile in return as we enter the main office space. As soon as our feet touched down onto the carpet,Ms Grant called Kara away, leaving me to sit at my desk and stare idly at the glowing screen. Twirling my hair around a pencil, I bite my lip nervously. The boys were taking a while. Were they plotting something? Negative thoughts kept swimming in my mind before a hand fell on my shoulder. Jumping I fall from my seat, about to hit the floor when a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Pulling me to my feet stood Winn, smiling nervously down at me.
"Sorry about startling Myra. If that's your real name..." Winn wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and I erupt into laughter.

"I do but it's probably too different for your little brain." I say cheekily,poking his forehead. I then realize how close I am to his chest, listening to his heart beat. Winn soon notices too and helps me up so I am standing in front of him.

"Hey, I am sorry for overreacting a second ago." Winn says nervously,smiling at me. My heart flutters slightly as I stare into his eyes.

"N-no problem! It must of been a bi-big surprise." I reply grinning,mentally face-palming for stuttering so much.

"I am sorry too Myra.I should of been more open-minded." Jimmy's voice says behind me. I didn't even know he was there!

"Again no problem," I grin,turning to face Jimmy, "now let's get back to work!" I say in a fake bossy tone. We all go back to our seats, my worries put to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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