The Boy That Looks Like Me

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It's afternoon and Key Note said goodbye to me.
I waved goodbye to her and went inside my house.
I went upstairs and sat on my bed.
I got my phone and I logged my fb in.
It's from Thunderlane. I rolled my eyes. This jerk.

A chat box open, it was Thunderlane.
This is how it goes:

Him: Does Key Note hate me now? 😩
Me: Yep.
Him: Why!?
Me: She saw you making out with another girl last night.
Him: She forced me.
Me: That doesn't mean you have to kiss her. She's a girl you could atleast push her away.
Him: She hugged me and tried to kiss me.
Me: Are you a girl!?
Him: I'm a male!
Me: I know, if it's just a kiss why are you two making out.
Him: Cause' I feel like she's Key Note.
Me: Key Note isn't forcing!
Him: I just imagined it was her.
Me: Why talk to me, when you could talk to her?
Him: She blocked me on facebook.
Me: Text her!
Him: I didn't get her number.
Me: You stupid idiot! 😤
Him: Could you please make her like me again?
Me: A choice is a chose and if she won't like you anymore, don't force her.
Him: Please 😖!
Me: 😤😒😑 Go to her house!
Him: What if she's not there?
Me: Well, find out you moron!
Him: Fine.

Ugh, this idiot can't find a way to help himself.
Then another chat box opened.
It was from Soarin. Damn it!
Here it goes:

Him: Dash, I miss you!
Me: Of course you miss me, you didn't catched me when I was falling.
Him: You fell, are you okay?!
Me: Idiot, don't act so concerned. Plus I didn't fall. 'My heart did'
Him: When will you forgive me?
Me: Probably, in a million years.
Him: Dash.
Me: Whatever.

Then another chat box opened.
It was from Key Note, good.
I thought it was from another idiot.
Here it goes:

Her: Hey!
Me: Heyyah! ^_^
Her: That's so cute!
Me: Haha!
Her: Wait, hang on someones knocking at my door.
Me: K.

Wait, Thunderlane!
Me: Video Call!
Her: Oh okay!

She accepted my request and brought her phone down stairs.
"Look outside the window!" I said pointing at it.
"Okay" She replied.
She took a peek at the window and she wa shocked.
"It's Thunderlane" She whispered. "Open the door" I whispered back.

She gulped and nodded.
She opened the door and smiled.
Thunderlane brought flowers and chocolates.
What a man.
He gave it to her.

"Will you ever forgive me?" He asked to Key Note.
"Should I?" Key Note secretly asked me.
I nodded and she smiled.
She said "yes!" And hugged Thunderlane.
Awe, just like how me and Soa- No!

They both blushed and smiled at each other.
Thunderlane kissed her on the lips.
Her face turned redder.
I was about to burst in 'awe'
She relaxed and kissed him back.

She said goodbye to me.
I waved goodbye and ended the video call.
I went outside my house and walked.
I was walking on the sidewalk.
I am looking at my phone.

I was busy playing Minecraft
Yes, I love that game so much!
While I was playing it I wasn't looking around.
I accidentally bumped onto someone.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry" I said.

I stood up and a male voice speaked.
"It's alright but next time you better watch where you're going ms..?" He said and asked.
"Rainbow Dash" I answered. "Nice to meet you" He said.
"And you are?" I asked. "Rainbow Blitz" He answered.
"Nice to meet you too Rainbow Blitz" I said.

He smiled at me.
"Hope to see you soon Dash" He said
"You too, Blitz" I replied.
We waved at each other.
Wait am I blushing!?

Although, he looked alot like me.
Cool, hot and professionally good-looking.
Meh, not falling for that.

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