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Everyone has a lone in life,

But very few wanna kill that feeling with a knife,

Unluckily enough I am one of those,

For my love gave me only sorrow and woes.

I experienced the worst moment in the world,

When the best one became the worst girl,

Its pricking to hear from your love,

We're JUST FRIENDS....And thats all,

This moment fucked me up,

And in my hand is a whiskey bottle and a cup.

Do hell with you,

You mean nothing to me,

'As you sow , so shall you reap",is what I'll say,

As now , I'll never let you remain happy and gay.


Well I end my collection right here......I actually made this id to come to know about the feelings of someone......but i don't care anymore.....do hell with you...

<<:My Broken He@rt:>>Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt