First Time

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God, it looked delicious. The way the sticky white dripped down the base was satisfying.  Truthfully, he had never been able to examine it up close, and he was awestruck by its wholeness. He sized it up, before licking a long stripe up its side.
    "Mmmhm.." He moaned, the taste of it was too great and definitely different. He continued licking, but only with small flicks of his tongue. The stickiness got all over his hands as he grasped the length tightly. He wrapped his lips around the top of it and continued to suck and lick it, panting hotly. A little bit of the wetness dripped on him.
    "Oh, f-fuck!" He gasped, and it went straight to his crotch. He glanced down to see the icecream had toppled out of its cone, and landed right in the middle of his pants.
    It was Nicecream Man's first time trying icecream, and he definitely enjoyed it. After all, it's what prompted him to start his flavorful business.

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