Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


I could tell by his expression that Jack was angry.  I didn’t mean for Harry’s name to slip out, but I was glad it did.  I wanted Harry, not Jack.  Harry was a little rough around the edges sometimes but he was nothing like this.  Jack was ruthless, he had no sympathy and he had no problem hurting me, especially knowing hurting me hurts Harry.

“Uh Jack, I’m going to go occupy myself…you look like you two need to be alone anyway.”  Tyler spoke up, his tone sounded annoyed and slightly disgusted.

I didn’t know he was in the room until now.  I couldn’t move to see him and I felt even more violated knowing he had been there this entire time.

Jack waved him away and turned his attention back to me.

“You know you’re a very beautiful girl, Dair.”  He said softly, brushing the back of his hand against my cheek.

“And you’re a perverted creep.”  I retorted.

 “Remember love, it’s not rape if you like it.”  He smiled cheekily.

I scoffed in disgust.  “I would never.”

His smile suddenly turned devilish.  “Your whining and your stubbornness are really starting to get on my nerves.  You should try to be a little more discreet.”

“Go to hell.”  I spat.

Jack laughed.  “I tried to warn you, sweetheart…Tyler!  Can you come back here?”

“Yeah?”  I heard Tyler’s voice in the room again.

Jack got up from the bed and I craned my neck to see the two of them, wondering what Jack had in mind.

Jack glanced at me before turning to Tyler.  “Put her under.”  He ordered.

Tyler nodded with a smile and came towards me, I knew exactly what Jack had meant and I made another failed attempt to break out of my restraints.

“No!  No please don’t do this!”  I cried.

“Just relax.”  Tyler said firmly.

“Tyler, you don’t want to do this.  You don’t have to listen to Jack.  Harry doesn’t want to kill you if he doesn’t have to.  You can join him, you don’t have to kill anymore humans or listen to Jack’s orders.”  I sobbed.

Tyler glared at me.  “You’re the only problem here.  You’re part of the reason Harry is the way he is now.  And you killed my friend.  You’re a pathetic human girl and I have no sympathy for you.”

I immediately squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head away when he leaned over me.

“Now, now.  Come on, love.  You’re only making this harder for yourself.  Just look at me and everything will be fine.”

“Forget it.”  I muttered.

“You want to open your eyes, Dair.  You know it will be easier for you if you do.”

His voice had become soothing…but I knew I couldn’t listen to him.  However, I felt like I was slowly being convinced.

“Look at me, Dair.  Just for a second.”  His voice seemed to sing to me like a siren song and I found my eyes slowly opening and turning to face him almost like I had no control.

The minute our eyes locked I felt myself quickly sink into darkness.


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