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Important Update (1st Sept 2020): 

Hi, my lovely readers.  I have decided to do some editing and a few changes to this story. They are now complete and replace the old chapter with the new edited one. Unfortunately, I have been told I will lose inline comments by doing this. I guess we starting fresh with that. 

Some of the changes are a new name for the main character (I didn't like the old one anymore), Some sentence structure editing, and grammar/ spellcheck. I also have re-written the ending and added an extra chapter. Hope you all enjoy the changes.

Thank you all 

Enjoy xx

OC's Name: Lexi Leigh


"What are you doing here blood traitor?" The annoying voice I knew oh so well rang in my ear. I crossed my arms frowning to show my displeasure as I turned to face the culprit.

"What is it to you?" I asked fearlessly, with a smug smirk on my face. I looked up at the blonde, pale boy with cold grey eyes. He was about half a head taller than me, but I stood tall and held my ground, not letting his piercing stare get to me.

"Don't give me that cheek, Leigh!" He spat at me, narrowing his eyes into dangerous slits "don't forget I am apart of the Inquisitorial Squad, I can take house points away from you"

"Whatever... Malfoy," I said, my voice dripping with disgust. I flipped my long, dark brown hair off my shoulders, before swiftly turning my back to him.

He was not pleased with my attitude. He grabbed my arm roughly, pulling my back up against him. He lowered his mouth down to my ear. "The dungeons are no place for a Gryffindor at this time of night. Terrible things can happen down here," his cool breath pressed against my ear, sending cold shivers down my spine.

I shuttered, pulling my arm from his grasp. I turned back around to face him and took a few steps back to get some distance between us. A terrifying smirk crept upon his face. Malfoy approached me with a wicked look in his eyes. My heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly by an invisible hand inside my chest. I looked behind me for anyone to help me, but the dark halls of the dungeon were still and silent.

"What do you want?" My voice trembled, I backed up to the side against the wall. I had hoped to get around him to head back to the stairs that led out of the dungeon.

"You know what I want!" He growled..."And I always get what I want" He moved right in close to me as he removed his wand from under his Slytherin robe.

He held his wand up to my neck before I could move, and slammed his body against my own. I was harshly pushed back up against the cold stone wall, and I groaned in pain. Malfoy smirked, satisfied with my reaction.

He pressed his wand harder against my neck, "Beg me to stop!" He dared. His smirk grew, enjoying every moment of this

"No never!" I refused and shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for what was to come next. Malfoy's wand free hand came up to the back of my head and grabbed a handful of my hair. He pulled on it hard so that my head pulled backward. I gasped and winced when I felt something wet run up the front of my exposed neck.

Malfoy's tongue ran all the way up the side of my neck. He growled and bit the side of my neck rather harshly.

I yelped and Malfoy pulled back slightly to look at my fear-stricken face. His eyes were still as cold as ever. He grabbed the front of my robes and began to pull me along with him down the dark hall. His strides were long, making me stumble as I tried to keep my balance as I was dragged along. I grabbed his arm that was holding my robes to try and pry his arm off, but his grip was too strong.

"Please, let me go?" I gave in and begged. This made him stop. He removed his arm from my robes but grabbed my wrist instead to stop me from taking off. He pointed his wand between my eyes "Shut up, or I'll make you shut up!" He growled. He pulled me to a door down the hall and kicked it open. It was our Potions classroom. He shoved me inside, before following me in and closing the door behind him. With a wave of his wand, a lantern on the side of the wall lit up. It was light enough to see, but still dark enough not to draw attention to this room if anyone was to walk by.

"Take off your robes!" Malfoy ordered he was already removing his own robes, and threw it off to the side. He stood there in his black school pants, white button-up shirt and tie. I looked at him in disbelief and didn't move. I was not going to give him what he wanted.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, my voice shook and my mind already knew the answer.

Malfoy didn't answer me, he took a steady step towards me. Before I could blink he drew his hand back, sending the palm of his hand colliding with my left cheek.

"Did I say you could talk?" His voice was low. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look up into his eyes "No! I said take off your robes!" he threw my head back to the side.

A smirk crept its way onto my face and I straightened up and put my hands to his chest and shoved Malfoy back from me. He stumbled back, a look of shock appeared on his face. Before he could react I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his head down to my height. I pressed my mouth roughly up against his and bit hungrily down onto his bottom lip.

Malfoy pushed me back off him. His smirk returned to his lips as he backed me up and placed his hands on my waist. He lifted me with ease and sat me on the desk and pushed his way in between my legs. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his body closer to mine, our lips meeting again. I craved his touch, my head was spinning with lust and desire. My hands went up and tangled into his soft blonde hair, gripping hard and pushing his mouth against mine roughly.

Malfoy parted his lips from mine, I groaned with annoyance and tried to kiss him again. He didn't allow it. He shook his head, a smile on his face. I dropped my hands down from his head and sighed with a pout.

"You ruined it, Lexi!" He said as he tried to catch his breath from the heated moment.

I laughed softly and pulled his head down kissing his forehead. "I couldn't help myself. You were just too darn sexy, Draco. I couldn't wait any longer. I love it when you're being my bad boy"

Draco laughed and kissed my lips again. "I know, why else would I role play this with you?" Draco gently rubbed my cheek where he had slapped me earlier "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

His slap had stung a little, but I could feel he was holding back a lot to not actually hurt me. "No, I could have taken it a little harder" I winked playfully at him. I got up off the table and wrapped my arms around his chest, hugging him lovingly.

"Maybe we can try again later? I won't ruin it next time, I promise" I kissed his cheek and laced my fingers with his. I looked up at my boyfriend with a gentle smile. He smiled back with a nod and leaned down and kissed my lips passionately "Same time tomorrow night?" He smirked.

"It's a date," I pecked his lips one more time before leaving to head back to the Gryffindor common room, but not before having one last glance back at my sexy boyfriend before I left.


I hope you liked the prologue, and a little note this is a scene from the future year 5. Chapter one starts they don't know each other yet.

Undeniable Desire (Draco Malfoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن