Chapter 2

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I woke up with a huge headache. I got up just to go back down again. I opened my eyes very slightly to see a room but not my room. It had white sheets with sunlight blinding me which is making my head hurt a thousand times more. I tried to find my voice but it wasn't there. I was still in the clothes I was in the last night. All I could think was where the hell was I. I tried recollecting everything that happened last night. Got drunk, danced, hung out with Elizabeth, sat by the bar and..... Harry!

"H-harry" I called in almost a whisper.

I heard footsteps walking closer to the room as I turned my head to see Harry opening the door.

"Here you go" he said giving me water and Advil. 

"Thanks" I said as he nodded

"What happened last night?" I asked

"I think you drank a little to much so I brought you here" he said as I nodded

"Thank you but I should really get going" I said slowly getting up as he followed behind me.

I was just about to open the front door it but automatically locked.


"Your not going anywhere" he said as my eyes widened

"What are you talking about?" I questioned

"Get comfy because this is your new home" he said turning around as I started to panic.

"No no no. NO!" I screamed

I tried unlocking the door but it wouldn't budge. I ran to the windows trying to unlock them but it wouldn't unlock. I took the nearest thing I saw and slammed in against the window.

"Now that's not very nice. Braking things in my house" he said as I backed away

"If you don't let me out I will hurt you" I said as he laughed

"If you try to hurt or kill me you will just be stuck here to die too. Nobody here to buy you food, water or maybe even the company. So you will be the one hurting yourself" he smirked

"Why are you doing this?" I cried

"I've had a big interest in you"

"You only met me last night" I said trying to stop the tear from spilling down my cheek.

"That's what you think" he winked

I looked around looking for something to try to get the window open.

"Try anything you want hun it won't budge" he said as I kept trying.

"Stop it right now" he said clearly getting angry but that didn't stop me. "That's it! You listen to me! I am in charge you are here with me and only me you could try anything you fucking want but no one will hear you!" He screamed making more scared then ever.

"Why am I here!" I asked

"Enough! Go to your room!" He screamed once again

I didn't want to fight it because he could anything to me but I don't understand why I'm here in the first place. I need answers but clearly I can't get it from him. I walked slowly walked to the room crying thinking of all the reasons why I could be here. Once I was in the room I looked for another another object to smash the windows but this time I screamed for dear life and cried harder then I have ever did before. What's going to happen if I don't leave? Elizabeth is probably so worried, my aunt she will go crazy and my job what will happen to that.

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