Harry stopped in the middle of his roast session to look at Louis, who had just gotten onto the bus, and tried not to drool at how attractive the man looked in only a maroon hoodie that read SKATE, and black shorts, along with black Vans. If Harry hadn't known his age, or if Louis didn't have his scruff, he could have easily mistaken him for a teenager.

I'm hard, is the first thought that came to Harry's mind when they make eye contact, but his entire self is frozen, and he can't bring himself to mouth 'hi' or lift his hand to wave, so he doesn't do anything. Louis nodded, like he expected this, then held up a clipboard; using the seat next to him to help stay standing as the bus starts to move.

"I'm going to call out attendance. When you hear your name, please say here or present." Louis said, his voice gruff. Whenever Louis called out someone's name, Harry would focus on the way his lips moved and the way he pronounced each syllable--practically being perfect without even trying. In fact, Harry was so distracted, that he didn't notice that Liam switched seats with someone else so that Louis was sat next to him. "Hi."

Harry swallowed thickly and cleared his throat. "Hi."

"How long is this ride supposed to be?" Louis asked, then moved his legs in a way where Harry could see the imprint of his cock from under his shorts. "It feels too tight on this bus."

"Yeah?" Harry mumbled, trying to bring his eyes somewhere else, though it wasn't working at all. Louis didn't seem to notice what he was doing, or what he was saying, but if he was, the man was certainly a great actor. "I mean, this ride is supposed to be only two hours or so. When we get there, the kids use the bathroom, then we have lunch."

"Night activities?"

"Star gazing." Harry responded, though his breath hitched when he felt Louis' hand on top of his thigh. Sometimes small things like this that Louis did caught him off guard; he believed that Louis only did it to see him flustered. "Louis--"

"You were staring at me--very intently, might I add. I'm starting to think that you've forgotten where my eyes are, Princess." Louis whispered playfully, moving his hand slowly up Harry's thigh until it stopped just below his crotch, then he stopped. "Too bad we won't be sharing the same cabin, right?"

When Louis pulled his hand away was when Harry blinked profusely and brought himself back to reality. Why the hell not? is what he wanted to ask, but he, of course, did not. "Yeah, too bad, but I'm sure we'll find time to--you know, to do things. Things that involve actions that don't require talking?"

"Things." Louis repeated. "What are 'things'?

"I'm not good at saying anything in relation to sex directly, okay?" Harry admitted, blushing furiously and hiding his face inside of his hands. "Then when I ask for it, I feel like I'm being hormonal. I'm not the only one who wants this, right? Wait, don't answer. Because if you say yes, then we're turning this bus around so that I can go back home and cry."

Louis began to laugh, but abruptly stopped at the mention of home; he grabbed his backpack from underneath the seat and pulled it onto his lap, unzipping it hurriedly. His hand moved the contents of the bag around desperately, but he came out with nothing but an empty palm. "Fuck."

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